
Miscellanous : have you had any CRAZY dreams?

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Fil de la discussion "have you had any CRAZY dreams?"
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  • Messages : 446
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that dream is kool. my friends and i are laughing (bree, daesha and I) about the part were william was saying 'its ok hes back'

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol.thanks i wrote William a letter and sent it to him 2 days ago.

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 446
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
my friend bree's dream went like this:

"It was the best dream in the whole world. And I am not lieing i really had this dream. I was comming out of the Louis Vuitton store and I had a big bag and it was a sunny day. All of a sudden I was at a cafe and I dont know how i got there. Then I was eating a ceasar salad. And he was eating tuna salad and we were drinking tea. We were there for hours. Then we were on a train like the one in 'Eurotrip' except there wasnt a creepy guy there, and thats all I can remember. It`s alot better than it sounds."

Daesha says, "I am speachless, thats a stupid dream."
Me- still typing and laughing.
Bree says, "Hey I had a salad, Louis Vuitton, and William...what more can I ask for!?!?
Daesha,"You have him?!?!?
Bree: "Yeah!"
Bree:"You are stupid."

---and it goes on and on. they are quoteing stuff from white chicks. wowwwww lol

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol!funny dream,bad quoting!

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 446
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I was trying to do it fast because I had to remember what they said.

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol that is funny

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ok i had another dream last night... it was my 16th bday paray and i was standing there with all of my froends, and i was talking and laughing and the next thing i know, someone taps me on the shoulder and i turn around and its william. i scream and atart laughing. all my friends are like omg, its really him. then he asks me to dance and we dance to that imogen heap song on the soundtrack, and in the end, he dips me and kisses me nose. it was soooooo awesome! omg! it was so great! omg, i loved it, and it was so romantic, and all my friends in my dream were like so jealous of me. i told my mom, and shes like, yeah dont count on that happening, but i totally am lol

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
it would be awesome if these dreams were reality. i still haven't had a dream with will in it, but i'm not losing hope. lol. it will happen........ eventually

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
this is my friend's dream:one time i had a very short dream and the next thing i know,William banged me against the wall and starts kissing me!!!and then he pulls out a ring and pops the question.i love that dream!lol!!!!!!

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
this is my friend's other dream,but a daydream:one day,the doorbell rings,i open the door and there's William with 2 dozen red roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates that says i love you and he's smiling his amazing smile!!!!!i gasp,and just stand there looking at him.and then he says 'Can I...' and i say 'Come in?Yea!' then he came in my room and sat on the bed and says 'Cool room.' and i say 'Thanks,I decorated it myself.'and then i sit next to him and then he leans toward me and i slowly lean toward him and then we kiss and after we kiss we start smiling and laughing.then we were about to kiss again,but i woke up...waa!

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hehe ok my dream last night was like a deleted scene from the movie...
i think i was some girl from narnia, and i was walking toward the river (the river that he kills the wolf at) and i hear laughing and screaming and fun stuff. when i turn the corner, i see william and edmund playing in the river, and susan and lucy are like sunbathing. i walk over to them, and william sees me. he puts his shirt back on (why he did this i have no idea, cause he was pretty built and i didnt mind looking at him lol) and was like, would u like to swim with us? and i was like, sure! so he brings me over to the rier and was like, jump in, and i was like u forst, so he pulls his shirt off again and grbs me and we both fall in the water. hen we come up, he pushes his hair out of his face and kisses me. then edmund splashes us cause we're getting to gross lol, then i wake up...ahhh i was in a happy mood after that...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 1 866
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that is THEE awesomest dream.... I wish i could have that one.... my dream that i had last week goes like this... me, my sis, my friend Hav, and skandar and will were all playing hide and seek in this old place where there was secret passageways, and one led to a land like Narnia. So after we all found eachother we awent looking for the way to the Land. I think it was called something wierd like Gandar or something. HEY i just realized that rhymes with Skandar... anyway, we were getting so frustrated and then we found it, and it actually led to the movie theaters. then we all got lost in the theaters. But we finally got to theater 427 and we watched Narnia. But the greatest part was that me and will weren't actually WATCHING the movie....

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  • Messages : 332
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol!no fair!last night i had a dream that William was splashing anna and georgie but skandar was on will's side and i asked the girls if i could join and they said yea they could get as much help as they can get and the boys tried to beat us,but i found some buckets under the water and held them up to the boys and they tried to snatch them but they didnt get close enough and i gave georgie anna and me each one and we were filling the buckets up and pouring them on the boys and skandar got so wet that he fell back but got back up.after will was really wet,he took off his shirt cause it was weighing him down and after,his pant leg got caught on a sticking out stick under the water and he got pulled under there and his pant leg ripped and the river was carrying him away and i screamed and cried,'Will!Will!Where are you?!'and i saw his head pop up fom a few yards in front of the waterfall and i decided to dive in and save him and i was swimming so fast that anna and georgie had to get their wave riders.i found will almost dead under water when i picked him up and the girls put us each on the same wave riders and got us back to the shore where skandar was getting his emergency first aid kit.will couldn't breath so i had to do CPR and i had to do it so many times that i almost fainted.on the 14th pound of his lungs,he spewed up water and was able to breath again.i was like,'Oh my god!What happened?How did you get under there?'and he explained the story so fast that i had to calm him down and said,'It's ok.Just relax.We'll bandage you up and then go back to Aslan's camp in the morning.I'll find an empty cave to stay in for the night after you get better.'will put his dry shirt on and was going,'Ah!It stings.'his leg was bleeding really bad.i washed it off with clean cantina water and bandaged him up.i had sum swim trunks for him that were just in case and he wore those while i was fixing the pants with the girls after he got well.while thefish,rice,potatoes and toast for dinner was cooking on the fire,i was putting the tentsup and will asked me,'How did you do it?'and i was like,'How did i do what?'he said,'How did you save me from going down the waterfall?I mean,i thought that Skanar was going to help because he is the faster one,but you.'i said,'Thanks.I was so scared you were going to drown,but i decided to go ahead of myself and jump into the river.Ithought i had lost you when it looked like you went down the waterfall,but i got to you.'he said,'Thank you.You saved my life.'i said,'I'm just glad that you're save.Now,how about that fish?I think it's well crisped,don't you?I'll be back.I need to get more firewood.'while i got the firewood,Will was cleaning up the cave a little cause the others were making candles,and he decided to do somethig for the time to pass.After I got back,all of them were making some was my favorite:angel food cake with ice cream and pink icing.i was so grateful that they made this for me for saving will.he made me a little bear that says,'Well wishes'on it.I got the food aout and we ate in front of the fire talking about our embarassing moments and was really fun.after we ate,we had dessert and coconut milk.then wewent to sleep.we each had to share a tent:skandar was with will and i was with anna and was about midnight when will came into our tent and gently woke me saying,'I have something to show you.'I got up and put my shoes on and we crept into the woods and he showed me a cozy little table with treats and food and then all of a sudden,centaurs and fauns and cheetahs cameout congratulating me and thanking me for saving will.i was so grateful.i was so tired when we got back to the tents.i woke up anna and georgie and told them and they said i was lucky.the next day after breakfast,i was going to leave but said i would be back tomorrow night a while before dinner.i was a few ards into the woods when i heard bushes move and got out my sword and said,'Who's there?Show yourself.'then i notied it was will and he said thank you one last time and he said he cant wait to see me tomorrow and then he gave me a slow kiss and placed a buttercup in the left side of my hair.i feltso special.then he hugged me,kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye.after i got back throught the wardrobe,i couldn't wat for the next adventure.that is my dream!

Check the gate....
  • Messages : 446
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
Omgsh I had the weirdest dream last night!! Okay I really adore Princess Diana and I know like everything about her she is my role model. And I am doing another project on her this year (my 2nd one). Yeah anyways that explains why she is in my dream since I was begining to work on my project last night okay so here it is:

Princess Diana was still alive and instead of her sons Prince William the oldest and Prince Harry the youngest it was Prince William (our Will) the oldest and the youngest was Prince Skandar!! (I was pretty confused in this dream but went along with it) So Princess Diana and her 2 sons were at some sort of special event- red carpet and all-. But somehow William and I were an item. I dunno I guess since I am royalty or whatever it was allowed but we didn`t tell his mom yet. So anyways I was hiding under some sort of platform (under the red carpet) and William knew I was there so all of a sudden he lays down on the red carpet and peeks his head down and kisses me. Well of course he looks like a fool lying on the red carpet and Princess Diana was in shock saying "William please get up. What on earth are you doing!?!" And Prince Skandar kept laughing because he knew I was under there and William and I were making out. It was really confusing though becuase I don`t know how I got 'under' the red carpet. And then my dream ended and I was like woaah that was weird!!

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""
  • Messages : 73
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : France
everyones dreams rock ... i had another one where will came into my school in the middle of class and just walked in came up to me and gave me a great, wonderful, romantic kiss. it rocked .. wish it was real ... wish it lasted longer! lol

Narnia the place of beauty
  • Messages : 446
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
omgsh i have visions/daydreams of william comming to school with me and hanging out with my friends only and everyone else was all jelous. haha!

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src=""
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
wow kiki755 that was the longest dream ever! lol adn very detailed lol. ok so i guess im having a dream a night or something...
ok, so last night i dreamt that i was watching narnia with my friends and we were havin a good time and all, and all of a sudden, we were like in the movie. it was the scene with susan and lucy in the tree cause the wolves are tryin to kill them, well, we were still on the ground and so i was like, go get the horn! someone get the horn and blow it! so my one friend ran over to get the horn and she blew it. then i grabbed one of the towels and was beating one of the wolves with it. but then the wolf lunged at me and i was on the ground with this wolf on top of me trying to kill me. then off in the distance, i heard splashing and clang of metal. after that i lost conciousness from my loss of blood. the next thing i know, im being carried into camp, and i look up and peter is carrying me. i get so freaked out that i scream and try to get out of his arms (why i did this i have no idea) but he held onto me, and was like, its ok, im here, youll be fine, dont worry. with that i layed my head on his chest and he brought me into his tent. he layed me on his bed and sent susan to go get aslan. she came back a few minuates later and aslan was with her.aslan put his paw on my stomacha dn breathed a puff of air onto me. the next thing i know, im waking up and peter is sitting on the ground with his head on the bed. "i thought u never would wake up he said." and i was really groggy. where am i? i asked? and he was like, ur in my tent, ull be staying with me until you get better. he then got up adn sat on the bed and leaned down and kissed my forhead. dont worry, im not leaving you... adn then i sat up and tried to get out of bed. he helped me up and he and i went on a walk in the moonlight. when we came to the cliff, he sat down and i sat down next to him. then we looked at the stars and kissed so more adn then i woke up... but it was so great./....

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 3 305
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hey right now i am in louisiana in a coffee shop checking my e-mails.i cant wait to get back home!later! P.S.--i <3 William Moseley!!!!

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 1 057
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
omg i had the coolest dream ever! ok, so my family was on extreme makeover home edition, and we were all on vacation when we got back toour new house we all checked it out. when i looked in my room, they had made it to look like narnia, and it was like the battle scene on the walls, and my bed was in a tent like the one on the movie. i also had a lamp post in a corner. i was so happy that i started to cry. then ty (man hes hot! lol) was like, yeah, but theres more... and i turned around and i saw that i didnt have a closet but a wardrobe instead. i totally started freaking out, cause it was so cool, and then i noticed the handle starting to turn, the next thing i know, william is stepping out of it, and hes like, hey whats up! i heard that you were going to be on this show, and how much you love narnia, so i decided to come and meet you and see how you're doing. i screamed, and he hugged me and was like, yeah its ok, and he was so sweet. then ty was like, well its not complete until its a family affair, and then all the other pevensie kids walked in through my regular door, and hugged me and were all like, so this is our number one fan... and then william was like, well, since we all agree that you are really sweet, we have decided to let you have a cameo appearence in our next movie. then i started crying again, and he huigged me and was like its alright, its alright, im so glad that you want to do this, we were hoping you would.
but yeah it was so great, adn it didnt get romantic or anything, just really nice and fun...and then heres the best REAL part... i told my mom, and shes like, you know, ive been thinking about auditioning for that show, since mamma and papa (my grandparents) cant get around their house nemore... so omg, it might possibly come true!!! prolly not, but there is a swinge of hope that william could be hidingin my closet!!!!!!!

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 529
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Canada
haha that would be amazing.
you have ALOT of dreams about william narnia freak!
I've only had one :( but it's better than nothing I suppose! WAIT. oh i remember one... just the other night, i have a feeling he was in it but i dont remember :(

im down with that.

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