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friday the 13th is cursed
Me and my friend Phillip were running around the block and we saw this guy asking for money around the street. So he came over to us and asked "do you guys have any cash on you?" Phillip said no. The dude punched Phillip right in the nose and blacked him out! My bro Maddisonhe was right behind us) came and pushed the dude into a pole. he hit his head and we called the cops. The dude didn't go to jail but got into readlly big trouble. and... We were playing tag today in gym class. There's a bench out by where we were playing. My friend was chasing another friend. And she went to go tag her(cuz she was it) and ran too quick and slammed into the brench flying head over heels right over the bench. She cut her lip and scared the side of her face. When it happened she was screaming and crying "oh my god!" and I ran to go get the supervisor. One of the other students little brothers had came and brought one of those speed mesurers that you get with the toy car, and he said I was going 50mph! She's Okay now but she's still got that scar. Edité par soccer-goaliegirl le 14/10/2006 à 00:00 amazing banner by Hannah at |
ok, thts really freaky!! wow...yeah, today wasnt such a good day for me either.......nothing i wanna mention tho...
![]() <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!! |
yeah, that is freaky... for me, today was actually one of the bestest days...
![]() - For you I will, no matter what- |
hmm....the curse musta been switched for you!!! lucky!!!! why was it s good? wanna share? or no....
who else had a bad day? grades came in today......grrr!!!!! im not very happy with them <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!! |
i guess it did, well u see, today i had a biology test, and yesterday i didn't finish studying, but luckily a friend had her older sister's biology exam from 8th grade (I'm in 7th grade, still, it was long ago that her sister was in 8th grade, and school's program has changed alot), so in the exam there were excersises about the same topics we had seen, so it helped us review and study alot,truns out, one of the hardest problem's of our biology exam was exactly the same as on my friend's sister exam, even the nswers, so since we had already study that excersice we knew it by heart... so i gto it correct and I can tell i definitely got a grade from 90 and up
![]() ![]() ![]() Edité par hula le 14/10/2006 à 05:16 - For you I will, no matter what- |
Sorry hula that was a bit confusing.
amazing banner by Hannah at |
yeah sorry about that
![]() ![]() - For you I will, no matter what- |
omg i`m so sorry =[ but yeah,this friday the thirteenth has actually been good for me.i got to spend time with my best friend whom i haven`t seen in four months,and
on the edge of seventeen... |
omg! remember that one guy i always talked about before and i said he just stoppped talking to me?? well he called me last night after 6months and we talked like we never stopped!
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Wierd. Update on Phillip...
He's got a broken nose and he got a whiplash in his neck we don't know why) + I sprained my wrist flying a kite + I've got a kidney stone. Yeah it all hurts. amazing banner by Hannah at |
Wierd. Update on Phillip...
He's got a broken nose and he got a whiplash in his neck we don't know why) + I sprained my wrist flying a kite + I've got a kidney stone. Yeah it all hurts. amazing banner by Hannah at |
Wierd. Update on Phillip...
He's got a broken nose and he got a whiplash in his neck we don't know why) + I sprained my wrist flying a kite + I've got a kidney stone. Yeah it all hurts. amazing banner by Hannah at |
i found out my m8 hd a brain tumor at midnight on fri 13th
My name is Miss Schaden Freude |