- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
t rust m e...it's not from ti nypi c. com
i jst right- cl ck ed th e pi c and s av ed it to my comp and w ent to ti nypi c. com and uplo ad ed it
but I s eriously did NOT g et it from tiy npi c. com
so...h ere it is>>
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
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- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
I dunno, cud be?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 913
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
ya could be nava know ask him!
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
Do u hav his e-mail?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 169
- Statut : Newbie
- Pays : France
yes i have it there :sebmayer@wanadoo.fr
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
H ey u h av a lot r i co n!!!! I luv lot r it ro cks im lik e th e bigg est fan o f it!!! ARAGO RN RUL ES!!! is nt it st rang e how ev ery1 hu lik es narni a also lik es lot r?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
i do n't thi nk i h av e s een lot r, Y ET!
oh w ait! i thi nk i h av e!
y eah I h av e!
y eah it w as also a good movi e but NOT AS GOOD AS Will's NARNI A movi e!....I w at ch ed it lik e ov er and ov er ag ai n!...I'm lik e addi ct ed to th at movi e!...
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 866
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
omw how could you forget if you have seen Aragorn and Legolas!!!!?????!!!???? i LOVE those movies! i could say i am obsessed but i think that would make ashlee mad... haha
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- Messages : 1 239
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : mexique
lol!! i LOVE the movies haha altho i would've never watch them if it wasn't because of my cousins (the boys of course) lol!
- For you I will, no matter what-
- Messages : 77
- Statut : Arrivante
- Pays : Canada
lotr is ok.....i didn't like it the first time I saw them because I was like 8 and when i was 8 I was kind of scared of everything. OMG GOLEM SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME. I HAD NIGHTMARE FOR LIKE WEEKS. I bet if I saw them now they would be awsome. BTW who is Seb?
Thump Thump Thump Thump.
- Messages : 1 239
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : mexique
oh wow!! it really scared u alot didn't it haha!!!
- For you I will, no matter what-
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
It wasnt scary!! I am the most Rings obsessed girl in the world i have like EVERYTHING to do with it and next to my Will shrine is my Aragorn shrine in my room!!
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 2 647
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
seb is the project manager of this site!
LOTR absolutely rox! Legolas has skill with that bow. Golum was creepy being posessed and all. i hated Shelob...ewww
oh and elves along with arwen and galandriel rock too! Edité par will4ever le 04/05/2006 à 22:12
Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.
Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
- Messages : 3 414
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
my brother is OBSESSED w/ LOTR! him and my dad watch them all the time! i think they're kinda neat too but i haven't watched them all!
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
- Messages : 1 239
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : mexique
lol! yeah my cousins like them alot too!lol! Edité par hula le 08/05/2006 à 01:26
- For you I will, no matter what-
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
I am OBS ESS ED as mu ch with LOT R as I am with Narni a!! Oh and am i th e o nly 1 hu thi nks Anna Poppl ew ell i n h er narni a d ress looks a littl e lik e liv tyl er ak a Arw en?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 2 647
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
yeah i used to be obsessed with LOTR-- i mean like going to the site a lot
not anymore
narnia maniac: well kinda but arwen's dresses were still a little different to make her look more elvish
how did we start talking about LOTR? Edité par will4ever le 08/05/2006 à 02:08
Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.
Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
H ey look at th es e pi cs, liv and anna look lik e th e s am e p erso n!
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 8
- Statut : Arrivante
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
The Blue Machine Rockz my socks!!!
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
wh at do u m ean by th at??
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>