
Miscellanous : and isn't it ironic

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Fil de la discussion "and isn't it ironic"
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  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
Imagine this happening to you...

One Sunday morning during mass, a 2,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying submachine guns.

One of the men proclaimed,

"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are."

Immediately, the choir fled...

the deacons fled...

and most of the congregation fled....

Out of the 2,000 there only

remained around 20.

The man who had spoken took off his hood...

He then looked at the preist and said "Okay Father, I got rid of all the hypocrites... Now you may begin your service. Have a nice

And the two men turned and walked out.


*Funny how simple it is for people to trash God ..

and then wonder why the world is in the condition it is today....

*Funny how we believe what the newspapers say...

but question what the Bible says...

*Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven...

provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Bible says.

or is it scary?

*Funny how someone can say "I believe in God"...

but still follow Satan (who, by the way, also "believes"in God).

*Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire...

but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, you think twice about sharing.

*Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace...

but the public discussion of Jesus is suppressed in the school and work place.

*Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on Sunday...

but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week.

Are you laughing?

*Funny how when you go to forward this message...

you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe...

or what they will think of you for sending it to them.

*Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me...

... than what God thinks of me.

Are you thinking?

Will you share this with people you care about?

Or not?

I picked you guys~

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

And be gracious to you;

And give you His peace.

post this if you believe in God with all of your heart

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
funny!! well, not really, but the first part kinda is!!

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 492
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
someone sent that one to me one time... good one...

Magnificent has a second definition now: William <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
  • Messages : 1 239
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : mexique
OMG!!! i LOVE it... it's just so true... and well kinda sad...

- For you I will, no matter what-
  • Messages : 492
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
it is sad and true you're right

Magnificent has a second definition now: William <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
u guys r both right!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 492
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I love being right!!! (or at least when I get half the credit!!)

Magnificent has a second definition now: William <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol ur funny

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i have herad that before and it is so true.

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
very very very very very very very very very true!!!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 106
  • Statut : Newbie
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that is very true and that being very true isnt just sad its scary. I mean rele what is the world today becomeing? The bible says to spread his word but most people think more than twice before actually doing it. I myself struggle with that; its hard to say what you want to say in todays corrupt society. If you rele think about how many people "beleive in God" but dont show it... that is true they go to church on Sunday but during the week you may see them cussing with their friends. You have to die to the world and live with God, be willing to give up worldly things(cussing, smoking, sex etc) for more Christ like things. For rele if you are doing the right thing who cares if you stand out in a croud, you are the right one, right?

sry had to put my two sense in... didnt mean to go on... and on... and on... and on... and on... well you get the point!!!

Remember it takes a second to form a crush, a minuet to fall in love, but a life time to forget!!!
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
doesn't matter if u go on forever! put it this way the longer the better! i believe that u can't just believe in God b/c even the devil does that, but u have to actually trust in Him and love Him for ur relationship w/ Him to be valid

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
what church do you belong to??(what religion)

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 106
  • Statut : Newbie
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I am Baptist; I could go on forever if I had thwe time but I dont so... oh well!!! I voiced my opinion!!!

Remember it takes a second to form a crush, a minuet to fall in love, but a life time to forget!!!
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol! glad you did!! what religion are you roseofourdreams??

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
dc luver i am baptist as well! I go to a great church and i believe everything you just now said!

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i am a spirit-filled born-again christian . . .

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
cool!! i am christain too, LDS to be more exact(SP? i am having brain blocks today!!!)!!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thats ok - its summer i def am rly out of it all summer, its a good thing i'm blonde cause its just one long blonde day lol. . .totally know what u mean

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given


  • Messages : 880
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
haha....not to be mean-soundy ...but most of my friends are blondes and they sometimes have "blonde moments"...
we jst LOAO!!
I'd sometimes be like, "no durr...!! oh! blonde-moment! *saying it with my friends*"

yeah kinda stupid but funny @ the same time....

<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>

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