
William Moseley (English) : Story Game

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ok this is a story game.everyone who replies needs to type 1 or 2 sentences with a few same things as it started
another boring day at school in science when Will comes in the door!'Class,this is our new student,William.(your name),you will be his science partner for the next 3 months.Pull up a chair,William.We're about to start.'will comes and sits next to me and says....

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
will said, "hi what's your name?" i said," name is (insert your name here). if there's anything i can help you with let me know." "thanks" he said.

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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the week went by fast and i knew i was falling madly in love.he walked me home 3 times and on friday whenhe walked me home,he said bye and i said by and i was almost all the way in the house when he said,'Wait,do you want to go to the carnival with me tomorrow?' 'Sure.I can't wait.' 'Great.I'll pick you up at 3.' 'Bye.' 'Bye.'

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
so the nexty day he picked me up at exactly three oclock. we had so much fun, and william had won me a bear and everything, when we saw the fairris wheel. it was really dark, and it was all lit up. wanna go? i asked? yeah of corse. so we payed and got on...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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and when we weregoing to the top,will asked me if i wanted to go out to lunch on friday since we have no school that day and i said yes.when he dropped me off at my house,he said,'Pick you up at 11:30!'and then he walked off into the distance.

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
my mom was waiting for me at the door. had a good time? she asked? yeah i sadi, were going out to luch on friday. hmm, i dont like u spending so much time together... i dont want you seeing each other again she said. i was heartbroken. when i got up to my room, i called him and told him. "i dont care, i have to see you... meet me in the park in two hours"...he said.

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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it was 5:30 when i got home,so i told my mom that i am taking Scruffy and Chew-Chew(my story dogs) out for a walk with Bethany(my story friend) at 7:30.I met William there at 7:36He was so glad to see me that he gave me a slow kiss when we were walking.'I really wish i could see you again.' 'Me,too.'said Will.'Will,I have something important to tell you.I...I love you.With all my heart,as much as the love the whole world could bring.I love you,and not even my mother can change that.' 'I love you,too.You are so beautiful in this moonlight.'I smiled sweetly,sorta blushing and tilting my head sorta looking at my feet,but looking at Will through the corner of my eyes.

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey! what about me??? oh well, i guess we can be the same person...if thats ok, cause im feeling a little bit left out lol ok continuing...
we then went over and sat down on a picnic table. the stars were already out, and we stared at the stars and he told me that whenever i look at the stars, he'll be looking at thenm too. then he kissed me and we held each others hands. the next thing i realize, its morning!!!!! i jumped up off the table and looked around. where was my friend? i raced back hom,e and my mom was like, i thought u were sleeping over and ur friends house... at least thats what she called to tell me last night, did u forget something?

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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'Uh...yea,i forgot my toothbrush.Sorry,mom.I guess I don't remember things.' 'You seem that lipstick smear on your mouth?What have you been doing?' 'Mom,I'm 16 years old.I have my own life!And no matter what you do,I will never dislove Will.' 'Oh,you've been out with that boy after I told you last night not to!And...' 'I don't care,mom!I love Will,and Will loves me.End of story.' 'Sweety,I...' 'Don't 'sweety' me!After the way you've been treating me,I'm not speaking to you.And I will continue to see Will,whether you like it or not!'so i stomped up to my room,slammed and locked the door behind me.then bent down and started crying.I called Will and told him the horrible news.

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
then we must run away he said. so now that i had my tooth brush, we set off and went to his house in england, where hismom greeted us with some cookies and tea. but when his sister saw me, she didnt have the same reaction...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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'WHAT is she doing here,Will?'snapped Franchesca.Franchesca's the popular girl at school.She doesn't like me because I quit her snobby plastic posse,and started going out with William.'This is my new girlfriend,(your name),Franchesca.She will be staying here until her mother understands that we are in love.Is that alright if she stays,mum?' 'Certainly,William.Any friend of yours is welcome to stay.Welcome to our home.You may stay in the guest bedroom.It's the 3rd room on the left side of the hall.' 'Thank you very much,Mrs. Moseley.I promise,I hope this isn't too much trouble.' 'Trouble?Nonsense,dear!I am very glad to have met you.If there is anything you need,anything at all,I am happy to help.'

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
well, if u could possibly not tell neone im here, that would be greatly appreciated. that and where might i find your washroom? its been a long trip i said. "just go down the hall ther and its the first door that you will see. "thank you ma'am. i said. i went into ther and called my friend and told her what was going on. but then i could tell that someone was at the door and when i opened it it was williams sister, daisy. "why r u really here? she wanted to know. im here because im i love with ur brother, adn hes in love with me..."

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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ok fine,her name can be daisy.anyway...

'Well then,if you really ARE in love with my brother,I guess I could spare you a few smiles and laughs.But no hugs.' 'Agreed.Now,can I finish my phone call?' 'Oh,sure.Don't wanna keep you waiting.'' 'Hey,I'm back.So....'and after the phone call,I went to eat breakfast with WIll and his family.they were so nice,they even made memy fave:3 cheese omelet with raspberry zinger tea.'The meal was delicious,Mrs. Moseley.'

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
im glad u liked it (your name). william looked at me and said, wanna meet my cows?" "sure i said so we went out to the feild where i was introduced to betsy, dale, happy and burger. "im really glad that ur here with me he said, as i was petting burger. me too. but i dont think ur sister likes me verymuch i said. "yeah she doesnt like ne girl that i like. she told me that i cant hug you and that shes allowing smiles something else..." "did she say nething about kissing? william asked with a smile on his face. "no... she didnt actually..." i leaned over and kissed him, not caring about nething...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
  • Messages : 3 305
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'Well,I don't really care,for we are in love.You are the love of my life.'while he was saying those words,he had me turned towards him,he ws holding my hands,looking down in my face.then it came....he kissed me and my foot went up.'I love you.'he whispered.'I love you,too.'then we hugged and danced like we were at the prom slow dancing.i laid the side of my head on his chest,while he kissed my head and leaned his head on mine.then daisy came out and said,'I said smiles and hugs and nothing else!Why don't you people listen???'then she came and slapped me on the face,while Will was trying to tear her off of me.'Leave her alone,Daisy!I won't let you hurt her,anyone for that matter!Just go!'
Edité par william_693 le 22/01/2006 à 03:18

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
daisy looked like someone had stabbed her. will...i.. "GO!" William yelled. she turned and walked away slowly, turning back every so often to see if he cared. "now, where were we?" he asked. "i think we were about here" i said, as i layed my head back down again and we began to dance some more, with the sound of the cows mooing in teh background...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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aw,how sweet!!!a--and sad!waa!lol j/k
'William,waht are you sister's weaknesses?' 'Well,she loves kittens,her favorite food is grilled chicken,and her favorite sappy movie is Paulie.Why do you ask' 'Oh,I just might have a way to softenher up a bit.'

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
william laughed and i just smirked. then he brought me over to his creek where he does his dayly swim. i wasnt sure if i wanted to get in at first, but i didnt really have a choice, since william ran up behind me and put his arms around me and threw me in. but i wasnt going in with out him, so i held onto him, adn we both fell in water splashing everywhere. "icant believe you did that! i screamed. "well, i knew you prolly werent going to get in unless i made you" then he smiled his gorgeous smile and i put my arms around his neck and kissed him, and all the while i was getting mud all over me and my clothes. when we returned back to his house, his mum was in the garden. "he showed you the creek did he?" she asked. "yes ma'am. um, do u think i could take a shower? im covered in mud, adn its starting to dry..." of course. william will show you where it is.

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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'Thanks.'will showed me the shower and got me my clothes and a towel.'Thanks.I'm really glad that I know you.You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,Will.' 'I love you.'

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i love you too. ill leave you to your shower. he left and then i took a long, hot shower. when i got out, william was sitting on my bed. had a good shower? he asked. "yeah, it was really nice, but i dont think theres any hot water lft sorry. "thats ok, i took one in my parents bathroom." just then ben walked in on us. "uhh, what r u guys doing?!?!?!?!?" he yelled. "ben chill we were just talking..."william tried to tell ben what was going on, but ben ran downstairs and told his mom what he thought had happened...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...

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