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Ha guys im at school supposed to be studying for my midterms but NO IM A REBEL!!
im down with that. |
I should do this more often
im down with that. |
yea i know right now im supposed to be doing my math my mom told me to do,but no!im a REBEL!!!!!
on the edge of seventeen... |
hope y'all don't get caught
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
ha i almost got caught... but the teachers dumb!
im down with that. |
omg cotaco_girl!!!!i love your new icon!!!!!yea,if looks COULD kill,he would kill many!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
on the edge of seventeen... |
thanx william_693! i love it too! if looks could kill i would have been dead a long time ago. lol
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
LOL, me too! Yeah, i would have died a thousand deaths.
I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
I'd have died millions.
but OOOOO id be a ghost and then i could stalk the REAL HIM! im down with that. |
OMG that would be sooo awesome,Danielle!but he would be so gorgeous that he would bring us back to life so we could meet him!!!that would be sooo much better,huh?
on the edge of seventeen... |
lol i am supposed to be doing my U.S. History right now...but i get the highest grade in the class anyways so whats the point....same for European history (last year)
<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I ♥ William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src="" |
haha. I hate those history things they BORE ME!
Also geography and stuff... and learning about foriegn countries exept if it ws the UK! im down with that. |
same here.
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
lol yea i was on here a while ago supposed to do language,but NO!!!I'M A REBEL!!!!!lol
on the edge of seventeen... |
remember that one time, caity, when you were supposed to be doing your math and me and daesha were taking a test and you kept getting on here so i could see him... lol. then we were laughing really hard cuz mr. king was laughing @ me cuz i couldn't turn on the DUMB computer. lol . sorry that was a long sentence
*Miss Teacup* ♥ this is the former "breebree" |
omg that is sooo funny!!!lol
on the edge of seventeen... |
when im supposed to do my hw im in here reading the awesome stories so now i have to do my hw on school in the morning
my mom won't let me get on until i do my homework.
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
lol that is so funny,Paui!hey Paui do you have yahoo messenger?
on the edge of seventeen... |
i have msn messenger
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