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i think i was like, Dang, he's hot, and then when he started like taking care of all the others too, i was like, OwOwwwwww!!!! i said to my friend, i will marry him someday!!
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lol ashlee.. thats actually true.. while i was at the movies i just kept tellin my friend that hes hot, brave, and etc...
i ♥ William Moseley!!!!! |
why does he have to be nice AND hot??? lol
he's harder not to like then ! (seeing as he has a gf) Edité par katek le 05/01/2006 à 11:31 :]] |
yea at first i was like awww hes cute and then throughout the movie i thought he just kept getting hotter and hotter and then i was just like o my god!!!! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO HOT!!!?
![]() ![]() a cute boy always makes a good movie . . . . even better. |
yup. same with me.
i ♥ William Moseley!!!!! |
yah, why does he have to be so hot?
![]() I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
iono... but hes hot! lol..
i ♥ William Moseley!!!!! |
When I saw he's picture in magazine before I saw the movie I thougt: he is cute, but not everything else.
But now when I have seen he in screen I think: he is the world's hottiest boy and I falled love with him. I said to my friend: ''William is so lovely bigbrother!'' But I don't know what I meaned. |
he is gorgeous
beautiful and gorgeous and hott aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwweeee i told myself i wont live until i meet him. not that i have to marry him or anything like that i know realistcly(sp?) that might not happen but i have to atleast meet him and his family (i am interested in Ben-good genes might run in the moseley family ![]() <center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I ♥ William</font><br> <img src=""><br> <img src=""><img src=""><img src="" |
I saw a guy when I went snowboarding thatlookked about Ben's age and had a face almost identical to william! although i didnt find myself very attracted to that kid.
im down with that. |
my first impression was like, oh hes kinda cute and then I was like, HE'S KINDA CUTE! then I was like OMG! HE'S REALLY HOTT!
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lol yeah
![]() :]] |
let me restate mine this way...
peter starts counting to play hide and seek.... Ashlee: Oh dang, woah, nice thing to do peter is taking care of the others..... OwOwOwOwwwwwww, i might faint i said to myself Peter is fighting the wolf ohmyholycowhesthedangesthottestguyievrsawinmylife peter is fighting the witch (sinking in my chair and talking really fast) holycowmuchomuchohottnessandireallywannakisshim lol I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
I found myself attracted to him as soon as i saw the movie!
i played the video game earlier, and i was slightly like "wow!" but then i went BOOM and i was in love! im down with that. |
ok, heres my way of this whole thing:
see his pic in a magazine: hmm, pretty cute, i wonder if hes a good actor... see him go back for ed, and almost get killed by bomb: wow, hes a good brother... play in the snow: omg hes so cute! i love his heeks when theyre rosy! fighting the wolf on block of ice: omgomgomg wow this guy is REALLY REALLY HOT! and hes the best brother ever! talks with alsan on big rock: omgomgomgomgomgomg who is this guy???? he is the single hottest guys ever and he will be mine one day! kills wolf and gets knighted: this guy is just indescribalbe, and so dan hot that i cant even think straight! fights white witch to sav ed: omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg, i cant even think anymore and i swear if he dies, im going to hava a heart attack,a nd i cant breathe and i love this guy! (my knees r under my chin right mow cause im so tense...) crowned king: thats it! im obsessed! there no going back now... and cair paravel is where i shall be living when i grow up... "Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line... |
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I first saw Will in Narnia movie trailer and I thought: He looks like one boy in my school (that boy is the nicest boy in scool of course
![]() then i saw some photos of will and: well, he doesn't look like that boy) he's much better......i fall in love with Will |
When I saw the movie for the fist time I sad "I must see this movie again" and the second time I sad wow he is pritty hot and I'm going to see it more times defently!!!!!
I love him he is so HOT!!! but all my friends think that he is ugly I don't understand they they are so wierd he is defently the hottes boy I have ever seen!!!!! <3 William Moseley <3 |
mari-girl, u are soooo funny!! I was almost exactly like that! You guys are all so funny!!
I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
how could anybody say that he isn't hot!
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