- Messages : 7
- Statut : Arrivante
- Pays : Australie
He re's a cool Will Moseley w allp ape r fo r you r compute r so th at you've alw ays got somethi ng ni ce to look at i f you get bo red whe n you' re suppoed to bei ng doi ng homewo rk and stu ff. I m ade it and I hope eve ryo ne likes it and feels free to use it. Just right cli ck and s ave to you r files. The n you can just keep it as a pi c o r choose to use it as a w allp ape r. The resolutio n is actu ally he aps bette r th an show n he re, and it is full compute r s cree n size (too big to all fit he re). I posted u nde r anothe r topi c too, but th at w as whe n I w as fi rst t ryi ng to uplo ad it and it did n't wo rk the fi rst time.
E njoy!
"Then you'll have to lead us...
Aslan believed you could, ~ and so do I".
- Messages : 803
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
i love it
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
omg sooo hott!omg thank you!!!omg omg omg!lol
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 617
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
Yes, i love it! I would like to know how you got the circles on there. They are really cool. Did you just draw them or something?
I am never alone....
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 7
- Statut : Arrivante
- Pays : Australie
Iim glad you all like it! William_693, could you get any more excited?-lol!!
Ashlee, the circles are really easy. I was just using Microsoft Publisher and used the circle/oval drawing tool to make them. Then I just chose the line and fill colours.
Don't spend too much time drooling at your computer screens you guys!!-lol!
"Then you'll have to lead us...
Aslan believed you could, ~ and so do I".
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
^^h ah a, i just thi nk i'ts fu n m aki ng them!!!
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
ye a its re ally fu n m aki ng them.i m ake them now,i m ade 2 and i posted 1 o n the narni a and willi am b anne rs fo rum and i just posted the othe r o ne right now.i loke them,but they are nt popul ar like eve rybody els e's
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
thei r re ally good.
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
thanks.the first one was a little weird,so im making some more.
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
hey he re's my l atest w allp ape r!!!
i t ried to o nly put pi ctu res o f him whe re h e's smili ng o r l aughi ng!!!
Edité par William_is_Hot le 11/02/2006 à 07:00
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
ok he re is the b anne r i m ade th at took a while:
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
hmm... th ats wei rd, it tu rned out sm alle r th an i m ade it...
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
oh that is so cool!do you like my banner?
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
yea my last wallpaper i made did that too...hm...lol
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
how did you make his piture black and white?
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
you there?hello???
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
i didnt make it black and white,i found the stuff that way on a site.i dont remember which one.hey wanna make some more?mine might take a while.
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 2 127
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
ok lol mine migt take about half an hour cause i tried making it but then cleared it so i made a banner.
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
he re it is,my wo nde rful m aste rpie ce!lol k he re it is:
on the edge of seventeen...