- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
U RL is: http://www.bb c. co.uk/glou cest ershi re/ co nt ent/ arti cl es/2005/12/02/willi ams_mos el ey_ featu re.shtml
and o f th at do es n't wo rk th en I'll jst giv e u th e s cop e!
Tales of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia is tipped to be one of the big blockbuster films this Christmas. But did you know that one of its stars lives right here in Gloucestershire?
18 year old William Moseley plays Peter in the big screen adaptation of the CS Lewis classic. BBC Gloucestershire's David Bailey was granted an exclusive interview with him - at his home in Sheepscombe near Stroud in Gloucestershire.
How did you get the role in a major feature film like the Chronicles of Narnia?
I thi nk it w as really a lu cky mist ak e i f anythi ng. It's v ery, v ery fo rtu nat e th at Cid er With Rosi e w as film ed arou nd h ere [i n Glou cest ershi re] about eight y ears ago and th e casti ng di recto r fo r th at auditio ned m e. I w as v ery enthusi asti c, v ery h appy, and I thi nk sh e s aw som ethi ng i n m e. U nfo rtu nat ely I could n't h av e th e p art i n Cid er With Rosi e but sh e got m e an ag ency and th en fiv e y ears l at er sh e cam e casti ng fo r Th e Lio n, Th e Wit ch and th e W ard rob e, and rem emb ered m e.
So you must have been quite young when you went for Cider With Rosie?
Th ey cam e to m e and put m e th rough th es e auditio ns [ fo r Cid er With Rosi e]. I cam e dow n to th e fi nal st ag es and u nfo rtu nat ely I could n't h av e th e rol e b ecaus e o f ag e di fferences. But almost as a comp ens ato ry p res ent I got th e ag ency, whi ch w as p retty am azi ng. I thi nk th at at t en y ears old and goi ng th rough th at auditio n p ro cess - th at w as wh en it cli ck ed i n my mi nd th at I w ant ed to do acti ng. It w as a co ns cious d ecisio n at ag e t en b ecaus e I enjoy ed it so mu ch.
What's your background in acting? Did you go to stage school?
No, I just w ent to Sh eeps comb e P rim ary S chool! D ram a w as nev er really i n th e cu rri culum to b e ho nest. I suppos e wh en [th e auditio n] cam e alo ng, I w as just v ery mu ch mys el f. Th at w as p retty cool.
Did they approach you for the role of Peter?
Th ey did app ro ach m e. Th e thi ng w as my ag ency did n't actu ally put m e up fo r it, it w as this casti ng di recto r who rem emb ered m e. Sh e ask ed m e and I w ent th rough 18 mo nths o f auditio ni ng fo r th e p art. I thi nk th ey s aw arou nd 3,000 kids. It cam e dow n to a s creen t est and I fi nally got it. I w as 15 wh en I st art ed and 17 wh en I got th e p art so it w as quit e a lo ng auditio ni ng p ro cess!
Filming must have taken quite while ...
Filmi ng w as s ev en mo nths i n New Z eal and, th en th ere w ere two w eeks i n P ragu e and both w ere am azi ng pl aces. Wh at I got to s ee o f P ragu e w as really, really b eauti ful but New Z eal and just st ands out i n my mi nd. Th e p eopl e w ere so w el comi ng and th e cultu ral div ersity - o f th e M ao ri and th e whit e p eopl e livi ng tog eth er - w as fant asti c. Th e s cenery and just b ei ng outsid e, b ecaus e fo r a lot o f th e shoot w e w ere i n studios but th en fi nally wh en w e got dow n to th e South Isl and w e w ere outsid e. W e w ere amo ngst th e mou nt ai ns, amo ngst th e hills. A fant asti c, b eauti ful pl ace.
What was the filming process like because you hear stories about actors waiting around for several hours just to shoot a few minutes of film ...
I w ant ed to carry o n with my s chool wo rk just b ecaus e, as you p rob ably k now, an acto r's career is not o ne o f th e most st abl e careers. It w as d efi nit ely som ethi ng I w ant ed to do but I really w ant ed to fi nish my s chool wo rk as w ell. It w as a v ery, v ery full d ay and b ecaus e w e w ere i n quit e a few o f th e shots th roughout th e d ay, th ey would k eep goi ng.
So what was a typical day like?
A typi cal d ay would rang e from g etti ng up at about 6:30 o r 7, g etti ng to th e s et at 8 o' clo ck and fi nishi ng at about eight o r ni ne i n th e ev eni ng. I w as ov er th e ag e o f 16 so I could wo rk th es e adult hou rs and I w as wo rki ng 12-14 hou rs ev ery d ay.
There's a lot of computer graphics in the film, did you find yourself having to act in front of a blue screen? If so, was it difficult?
I do n't really thi nk it's th at di ffi cult. It b ecam e a b asi c exp ect atio n from th e b egi nni ng th at w e w ere goi ng to h av e to im agi ne th es e ch aract ers. Wh en p eopl e read th e sto ry fo r th ems elv es th ey h av e creat ed th ei r ow n i ndividu al lio n, th ei r ow n i ndividu al b eav er and th ei r ow n i ndividu al w erewol f. I b asi cally took my i ndividu al i nt erp ret atio n o f wh at th ey should look lik e and th rew th em i nto th e s cene with m e. Th e biz arre thi ng w as th at wh en I cam e out o f th e s cene, wh at I w as looki ng at lost its s ens e o f b ei ng a b eav er and b ecam e a t ennis b all ag ai n. It w as all dow n to th e im agi natio n, I thi nk.
Had it been a favourite book of yours as a child or did you have to read it when you knew you had the part?
I us ed to list en to th e sto ry t ap es ev ery night b efo re b ed and it us ed to s end my im agi natio n crazy. I us ed to lov e Th e Lio n, Th e Wit ch and th e W ard rob e and I can still rem emb er list eni ng to th em b efo re I would fall asl eep. I can rem emb er th e fi rst t en mi nut es o f th e book p erfectly but wh eth er I k new th e rest o f it w as slightly mo re di cey.
In a nutshell, for those who haven't read it, what is the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe about?
It's about fou r no rm al kids th row n i nto a m agi cal l and and h avi ng to d eal with th ei r p robl ems and th e p robl ems o f Narni a. It's a fant asti c sto ry and I really hop e p eopl e enjoy it.
I know it's difficult because you're in it but is it a good film?
I thi nk th at's a really an i nt eresti ng poi nt. Wh en I fi rst s aw it, I w as s eei ng wh at I w as lik e i n it - wh eth er I look ed w ei rd o r wh at. I'v e b een an ext ra i n thi ngs b efo re and you just t ry to w at ch th at ti ny bit o f you rs el f. Wh en I w at ch ed it th ere w ere so m any s cenes th at I lov ed th at I h ad n't actu ally s een. Th ere w as o ne o n th e sto ne t abl e with Lu cy and Sus an, and it's v ery s ad. It shook m e up. I thi nk th ere's som ethi ng fo r ev eryo ne i n this film. Th ere's a u ni co rn, a b attl e s cene and o ne h ell o f a big wit ch - wh at mo re do you w ant!
So what's next for you? Will there be a sequel?
I can o nly hop e th ere'll b e a s equ el m ad e just b ecaus e I h ad su ch an am azi ng tim e o n this o ne. It w as b eyo nd ev ery exp eri ence im agi nabl e, it w as b asi cally a d ream com e t ru e. Fo r th at d ream to com e t ru e a s eco nd tim e would b e quit e am azi ng. U nfo rtu nat ely I do n't h av e th e s ay.
And possibly not one more - maybe another six or seven in the Chronicles of Narnia series?
U nfo rtu nat ely I'm not i n most o f th em. I'm i n P ri nce Caspi an, whi ch would b e ch ro nologi cally th e next o ne. I'm also i n th e l ast b attl e, whi ch would b e th e l ast o ne. I would p rob ably b e 35 wh en th ey g et arou nd to th at o ne!
So you're in definitely line for the next one then?
I f th ere is o ne th en I hop e I am, y eah.
You're holding something back aren't you? You know there's going to be another one, don't you ...
I hop e th ere's anoth er o ne. Th ey just h av e to w ait u ntil this o ne's do ne. It's lik e w e h av en't got ov er this hill to g et a b ett er visio n o f wh at's ah ead o f us.
I suppose a lot will depend on what the audience thinks of it ...
Ex actly. I f this is a su ccess th en hop efully w e will do anoth er o ne. I do n't lik e to s ay it is goi ng to h app en o r I am goi ng to b e i n it b ecaus e I'm just not su re. I would lik e to b e!
Beyond the Chronicles of Narnia, is this it for you now - are you going to be an actor for the rest of your life?
Wh en I w as ag ed t en, lik e I w as s ayi ng b efo re with th e auditio ns fo r Cid er With Rosi e, th at's wh en it really st ru ck m e how mu ch I w ant ed to act. How mu ch I w ant ed to b e p art o f h avi ng fu n with my career. I can o nly wish to t ak e mys el f fo rw ard with this. I'v e h ad an am azi ng oppo rtu nity.
Any parts you've auditioned for in future films?
Th ere h av e b een littl e thi ngs ev ery now and ag ai n but it's m ai nly g etti ng th rough Narni a b ecaus e th ere is so mu ch goi ng o n. O nce th at's do ne w e will b e abl e to t ak e a d eep b reath, look at som e oth er thi ngs and s ee wh at's goi ng o n.
It is one of the big films of the year, especially as it's coming out before Christmas. Has it sunk in yet that you're in this film?
I do n't thi nk it can si nk i n. I do n't thi nk it really stu ck m e wh en I fi rst got th e p art wh at it w as lik e. I'm fo rtu nat e, I'm lu cky th at it h as n't hit m e y et. Th e w ei rd thi ng is wh en you s ee you rs el f, as you' re d rivi ng by, o n a post er o r you s ee you rs el f o n a w ashi ng up box o r som ethi ng - it's so biz arre. It's just mom ent ary, it's o nly withi n thos e b ri ef few s eco nds wh en you s ee it th en you mov e o n with you r d ay. I h av e a v ery good family, v ery good fri ends and I'm lu cky th at ev eryo ne h as b een so suppo rtiv e and ki nd to m e.
What do they think about the whole thing?
I thi nk th ey'v e b een with m e th e whol e w ay so it's as mu ch an emotio nal t rip and achi ev em ent fo r th em as it is fo r m e. Th ey'v e almost b een at a p arall el with m e th e whol e w ay, and I just v ery lu cky th at I h av e a st ro ng family and g reat fri ends who'v e alw ays stu ck by my sid e. Th e b est thi ng about h avi ng b roth ers and sist ers is th at th ey' re b rut ally ho nest. My b roth er just got th e Narni a g am e and fi rst thi ng h e do es is kill m e i n it! Six tim es, ov er and ov er ag ai n! It's really g rou ndi ng to b e b ack at hom e. Th ey' re really pl eas ed fo r m e and it's goi ng really w ell at th e mom ent.
So it's all been worthwhile then?
I'm enjoyi ng it and th at's th e b est w ay to look at th es e thi ngs. I f you do n't enjoy it th en it's not wo rth doi ng. It is h ard wo rk at th e end o f th e d ay, th ey' re wo rki ng you fo r ev ery mil e you fly so it's wo rth enjoyi ng, it's wo rth relishi ng ev ery mom ent you g et.
[there is also an audio recorded while Will was being interviewed!]
You can find it [if u found the site] on the right side of Will's pic....under SEE ALSO >> or on the very bottom of the page!...
He has such sexy VOICE!^_^
W ell, CI AO!( chow) Edité par Rox le 02/05/2006 à 02:09
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 492
- Statut : Habituée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
cool!!! OK, it says I have to write more. When did you hear his voice just talking now?
Magnificent has a second definition now: William
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/beloved_owl/willisSOHOTT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
u h av e to w rit e mo re?
it do es n't s ay th at....do es it?
(jst highlight it and th en right- cli ck and th en copy...th en highlight th e add ress box[U RL box]..th en p ast e it)
U RL is:
http://www.bb c. co.uk/glou cest ershi re/ co nt ent/ arti cl es/2005/12/02/willi ams_mos el ey_ featu re.shtml
is it wo rki ng now?
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
URL is: http://www.bbc.co.uk/gloucestershire/content/articles/
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 492
- Statut : Habituée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
nah... it just said that I needed to write more (cuz I only wrote cool) it makes sense.
Magnificent has a second definition now: William
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/beloved_owl/willisSOHOTT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
- Messages : 2 617
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
UGH! I cant get the voice!!!
I am never alone....
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
u m ean u can't h ear th e voi ce?...
w addo u m ean??
I w anna h elp u p eopl es!
t ell m e wh at's w ro ng?
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
Wats going on????
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
som ebody can't h ear Will's voi ce whil e b ei ng i nt ervi ew ed!...
[[[I F U LOOK AT TH E TOP O F THIS P AG E, U WOULD K NOW WH AT'S GOI N' O N!!]]] JUST PLAYIN'!! ![](../img/smileys/icon_xD.gif) ......
idk y i'm v ery cranky right now! p rolly th e news about Will's accid ent!...UGGH! ![](../img/smileys/icon_cry.gif) ...i s eriously HOP E h e's NOT hu rt AT ALL!
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
H e is fi ne though i am frends with ros e at s chool sh e told m e. H ey th atboys ahu nk, y u ch ang e u r i co n?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
y eah...m e not cranky nemo re caus e h e w as n't really b een i nvolv ed i n an accid ent!!
AND now V ERY V ERY cranky b/ c o f th at ' ros etyl er' gi rl!!!!
who a, th at w as a bit too h arsh o f m e w as n't it?
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
No not at all l et it all out!!
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 991
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
Ok th en.... Anyw ays I g2g nows. By es!
gonee forever.<br>
loads of lovee darlinggs <3.
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
cya then ne1 else on?
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
ok... now I'm O N!!!
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 866
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
i am are u still on? if u are i'll PM u
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/24fzeyh.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
Im on now
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
wh at tim e r u really o n?
caus e i am co nfus eeed!
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 1 866
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
who me? if you're talkin t'me, im on at eight every night mountain standard time
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/24fzeyh.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>