
William Moseley (English) : Evil Shall Not Prevail~

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~Evil Shall Not Prevail~

Ok, this is gonna sound just like zoey’s “The Strongest Love” (from It is the same perspective in a way that u get a bit of the ending, and then work your way back from the beginning to the ending. I hope that made sense. This is my second(but first written) momentous fanfic! =D I also would like to thank zoey for giving me permission to carry out this story cuz it sounds a lot like hers.

Rating: PG – PG-13 for some violence (I think) ♥

It was a mild day in Narnia. The sun shone brightly and white puffy clouds passed by in the deep blue sky. As I lay on my side in the soft green grass, the cool breeze tickled my exposing skin. My helmet and sword were lying in the grass too far to reach, so far that one would think that the weaponry was forgotten. My left arm was ultimately unbearable with pain. I could smell the sweet fragrance of the lilies deposited by the river bed. I succumbed to the urge to close my eyes and pictured the glassy water leading to our waterfall.

I remembered the exact day when Susan, Lucy, Edmund, Peter and I had last visited the river that lead to our refreshing waterfall. We all jumped in at the same time, making an enormous splash backfire onto us! Edmund thought of a conniving plan to overthrow us four by throwing lily pads at us like disks. He didn’t get far because we all caught on and started to throw the lily pads back at him. He yelled “Attack of the flying lily pads” and pretended to collapse into the water to signify that he had perilously died. Lucy didn’t know what to think so she cautiously swam over to him and shook him vigorously saying “Ed, are you alive??!! Ed, please don’t give up on us!!” Anna, Peter and I had to hold in our laugh so we wouldn’t spoil the moment. With a sudden jerk, Edmund shot up and splashed Lucy saying “Well, I might as well been dead cuz you shook me so hard!!” All the while, little Lucy was giggling at his sarcastic joke.

I t was Peter’s turn to fool us. He was wading toward Edmund when suddenly; he slipped underwater as if an unbelievable force had pulled him underwater. He had a visage of pure terror. All of us girls swam over to the spot and could only make out a cloud of disturbed sand. We put our faces as close to the water so we could see better than before. I put my face so close that I could smell the water if I wanted to. Peter suddenly shot up and pulled me under water with me. Not used to the water yet, I instantaneously surfaced. All of us couldn’t help but burst into an uproar of laughter until our faces were salsa red!

The content memory faded as I opened my eyes and faced reality once more. It was almost a blur because I was in such a daze. My side started to cramp. As I turned over, Victoria was standing a several feet away from me on the practice fields. Her long dirty blonde hair was blowing gracefully in the wind and her icy blue eyes were looking into my brown ones-hoping to look deep enough to penetrate my heart. Her voice was sickeningly sweet, yet aggravating. She said “I have triumphed over you common girl! Don’t you realize that I have won?” I tried to look away from her and into the distance. I saw something far worse than my greatest fears. In front of me was Peter, pointing a double-edged sword, towards my heart. I tried to find some source of comfort in his eyes, I looked up and his eyes were darker than dark. You would have to stand so close to him to realize that his eyes were actually a soft blue. I knew that Victoria did this to Peter- his eyes just didn’t change color as people said, it was all her doing. On his face, you could sense absolutely no emotion whatsoever. His breathing was staggering, partially because of the combat we had just had. I kept looking into the black void of his eyes and realized that there was some arousing at the back of them. It was almost as if he was trying to recall distant memories. As he was plunging his sword into my heart I cried out “Peter don’t-I love you too much!!”

A/N:: what did u chicas think?

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 1 555
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
haha i love that story i have already read a good part of it, but i never get tired haha i love it seriously,, keep it going.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~READ MY NEW STORY CALLED SUNSET~~~~~~~~~~~

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 1 239
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  • Pays : mexique
yeah it's FREAKIn' AWESOME!! i could read it a thousand times and never get tired of it... u've got lots of talents girl, and u surely use them well!

- For you I will, no matter what-
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you go chica! was that just the very first part or did you pick up where you left of on the other board?

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 2 647
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its the very beginning

thnx for the coomentd girlies!

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you are very welcome!
hey pm me will4ever! thanx

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
ow pain!!!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 913
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
hey p.i.c that was FREAKIN awsome can ya send me an e-mail wen ur on plz
luv ur p.i.c
Edité par cheeky_monkey01 le 16/05/2006 à 17:55
  • Messages : 1 325
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Yeh it was update it!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that story is soo good!! you really need to be like the youngest published writer ever or somehting!!!

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>


  • Messages : 880
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you've got some strong use of words there, girlie!


<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
  • Messages : 2 127
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oh yay! i can read it on here now! lol
that story rocks ppl!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
yeah its gr8. y hav u got liv tyler and ROBERT PATTINSON (eeew) on ur immortal beauty icon?

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 2 647
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HEY! after seeing Goblet of Fire- i think tht Robert is kinda cute and plus he represents Ethan.
Liv Tyler (the pic is arwen though)represents Farah
and Peter is Peter

FYI: it is my avatar to advertise my other story Immortal Beauty
i shall try to have an update later tonight
and thnx soo much girlies for commenting- it makes my heart smile

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="">Found here, guize.</a>


  • Messages : 880
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
awww...ur very much welcome!

<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
  • Messages : 2 647
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ok im going to update now- like i promised!
*huggles all u girlies*

Where We Go From Here: The Beginning

I stood at the front of a huge prison ship called 'The Prowess.' As the ship leaves the dock, I look into the horizon at my village. I stand on the deck for what seems for hours and everyone leaves me alone, knowing not to awaken my thoughts.

As people walk by, they whisper to each other to leave me be.

It had been a gruesome two years since the ambush. The ambush caused my sister, mother and father to perish. Standing on the deck, I could hear the barbaric yells occurring all over again. The burning smelled good until I realized the intention of the fire. I could imagine it again- Orcs and Minotaurs alike, charging toward our peaceful village. They threw torches on our homes, so they leave no remnant of our lifestyle. Some brave people ran towards the river to get buckets of water to put out the flames- trying to dodge the enemy. Few succeeded before they were captured. As we were running with our families behind us, my friend Gena said “Oh, Liz” in an anxious voice. Our feet pounded on the earth below as we ran for our lives. I looked behind me for a quick second, with tears welling in my eyes. Orcs had caught up to our families. I quickly ran back to at least save my sister, Rachel, from their grasps. When I reached her, she tossed me her most prized possession as a Minotaur grabbed her and dragged her away. I drained out all other sounds and screamed and cried, knowing that my older sister had always been strong for me and that I would never see her again. I came back to my senses turned around, dodging an Orc and ran towards Gena. At that moment, I had officially turned 14 years old and an orphan. Both Gena and I along with many other kids, who had escaped their demise, ran toward the closest city to seek harbor. We told the official there of our sorrowful and hateful ambush on our village. (That had meant today was my 16th birthday)

A year later, here I was with my best friend Gena along with the other kids that survived. We had been told that we were going on a ship destined for Narnia. The first reason was that the other places were too far away and much too perilous of a journey. Second, was that we were a kind gesture, to be given as a present from our governor to the new rulers there. He sent me along with 39 children ranging from the ages 9 to 19 to be servants and maids for the new leaders at Cair Paravel. Gena also joined us because her family died in the fire as well.


It takes yet another long year to finally reach the ports of Narnia. Today is my 17th birthday and yet again, as I do every year, I think of the ambush and fire. I do this on each anniversary since it happened. Thanks to my loyal and humble friend Gena, I do not let this cause sorrow but instead let in joy for what the future is about to bring. As we get off the ship, the Narnians greet us cordially. I am bewildered though because there are a lot of creatures as well as people. Many of the citizens are talking beasts, dwarfs, fauns, centaurs and elves. I heard that many of the beasts talk here but a large portion of the kids are frightened and just dazed. Once we reached the inner part of the castle, the kings and queens are prepared to kindly greet us. They come down the line to greet every orphan. I am sadly last in line, but it doesn’t bother me because I am next to Gena. They walk down the line shaking our hand and asking questions like our names, age, and how the voyage had been.

First to walk down the line was little Queen Lucy. She is innocent, full of joy, and energetic- maybe 10 years old. Next is King Edmund. He is youthful, and has dark features that make him good-looking and about 14 years old. Some of the younger girls straighten their dresses and giggle when he shakes their hands. This causes Edmund blush lightly as he goes on to greet the next person. Queen Susan comes next. Looking at her brought tears to my eyes because she reminded me of my older sister, Rachel. She is regal with long, silky black hair and sincere, blue eyes. She is intelligent as well. At the mere age of 16 years old, she has so much poise and etiquette. Last is High King Peter. He is quiet handsome and tall with blonde hair and soft, loving blue eyes. You can almost see him emit power. His voice is friendly, soft and respectful. Girls immediately bat their eyelashes and put on a flirty, smile. Peter just returns a friendly smile, but doesn’t blush. He causes the boys to stand taller, and not slouch.

When he reaches me, I try to steady my breathing and keep my heart from fluttering. I force myself not to smile like so many of the other foolish girls did, so I try to smile friendly, bearing white teeth apart from the soot covering my face.

And what is your name, I may ask? King Peter says

“It is Elizabeth your high majesty” I say while I curtsy with the rags I call clothes. I look up into his soft blue eyes. They are like an endless ocean of clear blue. I felt as if I would get lost in them, which didn’t bother me one bit. My heart skipped a couple beats but I declined to flash one flirtatious smile. He then smiled at me that felt almost genuine and that it came from the inside.

‘That is quite an enchanting name, Elizabeth” And how old are you?”

Right when I opened up my mouth Gena replied. “Today is her seventeenth birthday, your majesty”
I quickly gave her a threatening look.

‘Is that correct Elizabeth?”

“Why, yes your majesty, it is” I replied back.

“Well, Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!! I would be pleased if you sat at the High table with us during tonight’s feast to celebrate your birthday.”

“Oh no, your majesty. It is alright, no need to give a ceremony in honor of my birthday.”

Nonsense!! I would be honored if you could do so…..Well, I have to go but I am looking forward to your company tonight.”

“You are too kind your majesty; I am forever in your gratitude

With that, he turned around to join his siblings exiting the Great Hall. I could feel my tan complexion rise to a noticeable blush.
Gena nudged me and laughed as we ran to our servant quarters.


It had been a good prosperous year since Edmund, Susan, Lucy and I had been crowned. Today seemed overwhelming because a ship full of 40 servants had arrived this morning from Utopia. Just a couple days ago a messenger had come to tell us of our gracious gift from Mayor Alfieri, from the land of Utopia. I couldn’t back down from this offer to sound rude, so I accepted. We live in enormous castle that requires a lot of housekeeping but I felt bad if I admitted so therefore, 40 servants would be quite useful.

They all form one long line so we can go down it greeting them and attempt to remember all their names. Every single person looks anorexic because they didn’t decent, nutritious food. I ask one of the young boys how long they have been on the ship and he replies saying it has been one year!! Poor children- my heart goes out to them! As I walk further down the line, I notice how most of the girls bat their eyelashes. I try to smile friendly so I don’t burst out laughing my head off. They blush and whisper to their friends behind their protective hands.

When I finally reach the end of the line, I see myself looking at a girl about a year younger or so, from me. Dark brown wavy hair, draped slightly over her shoulders- yet it was frizzy from the long voyage and humidity. By looking into her chocolate brown eyes, you could foresee her emotions. She was secure enough to forbid you from knowing her true emotions. She was beautiful in a natural way, yet like a nymph at the same time. Standing in her tattered white servant dress, she looked delicate yet strong and determined. When she looked up at me, she didn’t smile a flirtatious smile like the other girls, but rather just a friendly smile that I had returned to the previous girls but yet I had felt that we had known each other all our lives.

I suddenly felt as if I bunch of rope and chains were squeezing my heart, pulling it tighter. I then asked her, her name. She had said it was Elizabeth. I thought it was the most surreal name I had heard in my life. When I asked her how old she was, she, rather her friend replies saying that today was her 17th birthday. I insisted that we throw a feast in honor of her birthday, even though we had already planned it. I felt that it was the perfect chance to get to know her better. A ray of sunlight had shown into her eyes, making them an appealing hazel, even though they were truly brown. It made the bunch of chains pull even tighter on my heart. I heard Edmund call me so I left, looking back at her on my way out.

A/N.::. do u likey?

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="">Found here, guize.</a>


  • Messages : 880
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
peter and lizzie are having a little somethin'-somethin' there aren't they?
but such poor kids! =[



Edité par Rox le 20/05/2006 à 00:39

<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
And hu is lizzi? im v. jealous!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 2 647
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well im using Kiera Kinightley for Liz aka Elizabeth::

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Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Yeah cool i like keira knightley shes a gud actress but maybe audrey tatou wud b better?
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My name is Miss Schaden Freude

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