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Narniafreak can no longer get on this site. She has been banned by her parents. So, if u need her u have to send her an e-mail.
She is very upset and if she tells me I can, I'll give u her e-mail so u guys can send her attachments and keep her caught up. Please help her! One of the best story writers is not around anymore! So, I'll need someone to help me write stories. gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
ill help you..thats so sad she was one of the best story tellers..
Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about |
Yeah. I know. It's so sad
![]() ![]() ![]() gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
i know...
![]() ![]() Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about |
God, I miss her already!
Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
i know..please continue wuth the stories..
Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about |
btw how do u know she got banned from the site ???????????????????????????????????????????????????/(just wondering)
william moseley- u rock my socks!!! <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
Cause she wrote me an e-mail telling me how sad she was. (No problem, I'm like u. Curious)
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
hey you are abck..and like cant she get on the site when her parents arent home or seeing her..
Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about |
Yeah, I'm back. Fortunatly or unfortunatly for u?
LOL. Basically, if her parents catch her, she is SO dead. I don't think she really wants to risk it. Notice she hasn't been on for a while. gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
fortunately..because i want to continue with the stories..and nobody is continuing them right now..and anrnia freak hasnt been here for over a month..and we miss her.
![]() Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about |
yeah guys we miss her! I hope that maybe we can be of some help to er cause she is a real cool person. Tell her if she needs anyone to keep her updated i am so there for her, k? I would myself but i dont have her email.
I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
omg i cant believe she was banned!!!why?!?!i totally miss her!she was one of the BEST story writers!!!
on the edge of seventeen... |
Look above and u'll see y. Anyways, totally miss her too! She wrote me asking for attachmetns and I wrote back asking if I could tell u guys her e-mail and I'm waiting on a response.
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
it says her e-mail if u click on her avatar...
<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then. |
Yeah, so send her some attachments plz! She's like dying!
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
i will try and remember to send her some!
I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
Tell her I told ya'll to plz! gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
k i will! r u on?
I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> |
Yeah, I'm here. R u?
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
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