- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
I wish I can meet him in person!
Who would want to?
[[including me! 'course!]]
How long do I have to wait?
I wanna talk to William Moseley...
Or if WILL could just even spend one day w/ me!
I would really LOVE that!
(I already know the WHAT part)
(I also already know the WHY part of course!)
Gotta Like/Luv this guy!
♥*ωilliam Moseley*♥*♥
Edité par Rox le 28/04/2006 à 07:24

Edité par Rox le 28/04/2006 à 07:29
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 3 305
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
whoa you seriously love him,huh??
on the edge of seventeen...
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
Soz hun but im da most obsessed will moseley fan!! i have a prpoer shrine to him, wiv incense and everything, and check out my quote
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 37
- Statut : Arrivant
- Pays : France
i love him... with all my heart.. :)
- Messages : 548
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
is it healthy to obsess over one thing all the time maybe u should take up a sport or somethin b4 u get totally wacked up ocd about it
JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me)
3nails + 1cross = 4given
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
YES, I am over-the-top in-love with him and yes, I am very obsess with him...but I do have an activity sport that I am attending right now[volleyball]... ....I just don't stare in the space waiting for him to meet me ya know. But I hope he'll meet me SOONER[sooner than sooner]!*!*!*!
It's just that he is like the MOST GORGEOUS guy EVER!!  ^_^Don't u think so?
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 991
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
I do volleyball 2! And no, I dont think he's gorgeous.................................................................................................................................................
I NO he's gorgeous!
gonee forever.<br>
loads of lovee darlinggs <3.
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
Volleyball rocks!!
So do WILLIAM!!!!!
No, actually, Will rocks AND I love him very much!
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 548
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
he IS the most gorgeous guy ever
JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me)
3nails + 1cross = 4given
- Messages : 1 866
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
yes of course! why would we be here? he is very gorgeous, very hoxy, and may i add the list could go on forever!
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/24fzeyh.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
THIS is for Will!!
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
- Messages : 2 617
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
dang you have the coolest stuff....
not true...
i am the most obsessed person on the face of the earth...
but i dont have a shrine... that goes against my beliefs.... but no offense!
And i play volleyabll and it ROCKS! (but not as much as Will)
I am never alone....
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 2 647
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
yeah...very cool graphics
yeah..shrines are against my beliefs too but i dont mind
i just have pics of will in my room!
Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.
Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
- Messages : 2 617
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Etats-Unis
OH YEAH!!! Pics plastered everywhere!!!! I have him as my background. I have him on my wall. Heck he is in my head for heavens sake. I make banners of him all day. i am OBSESSED!
I am never alone....
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
- Messages : 2 647
- Statut : Experte
- Pays :
i know all i make is banners of him...
but my wall isnt covered with him though...just above my bed
he is my desktop too!!
very cool Edité par will4ever le 29/04/2006 à 04:52
Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams.
Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
I dont have the time to make banners i have band practice 3 times a week , soccer twice and homework the rest
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 2
- Statut : Arrivante
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
<3 Mrs Moseley <3
- Messages : 1 325
- Statut : Experte
- Pays : Royaume-Uni
O...kay. Hey, my m8 said "Yeah, will is hot but hes not quite SKANDAR KEYNES!!!" OMG how unbeleivable is that???
My name is Miss Schaden Freude
- Messages : 880
- Statut : Confirmée
- Pays : Etats-Unis
<center>ωilliam M. babez
Got exquisite looks!</big></center>
<a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>