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While out on a school field trip to England you stoped 4 some icecream up picked up your cone and began to lick it then you bumped into some and your cone and icecream landed on who else but william moseley u scream of embarresment and will sayes.................................
p.s plz reply to this topic guys i want to see where the story goes and thanx to my friend on the bus 4 there support ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() im too hot 4 your cookie too cute 4 ur cookie hell screw it give me the damn cookie |
"SHHHH!!! stop screaming! don't want anyone to know its me!"
OMG! ok! im so srry!" I get a napkin, and start cleaning of the ice cream. "Well, if we can get it to the dry cleaners, it might come out." I say. <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!! |
so we run out of the icecream store and head for the cleaners down the street!
he takes off his shirt to throw it in the washing machine and i gasp! "what?!?!" he asked alarmed! all i could do was put a hand over my mouth and point! "i have a belly button? what's so important about that?" he asked! "you have an 8-pack! it's...... it's....... gorgeous!" i stated in utter amazement! "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
he blushed, laughed, than shook his head. He put his shirt in the washer.
<a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!! |
"i'm sry! i hope i didn't embarass you!" i said!
"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
OMG! I'm next to William Moseley and he just took his shirt off! Holy shizit!-I think as I stare at his amazing body. "No, its ok..." Will replies, still kinda blushing. "Your body is just... amazing!" OMG I JUST EMBARRASSED MYSELF AGAIN! I realize thinking about wat I just said. "O, thanks," Will says. "Well, we haven't officially met. You know my name, everyone does, but wats urs?" Will asks. "Its...yn...yn..I think," I mumble that last part and Will hears and starts laughing. "Well, yn yn, would u like to go out for some dinner or something?" Will asks me. My jaw drops. "Oh ya!" I say still staring at Will's body. He pulls her shirt out of the washer and sticks it in the dryer. "Ok, then, as soon as this is done, your coming with me for some dinner," Will says. "Ok, if u insist.." I say and we both laugh.............
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
then u snort and make yourself look even worse then u look up and see that will is still smiling
soo u act like nothing happened will puts his hsirt back on and takes u to his favorite cafe u spend all ur time staring at him then u look at ur watch and realize u have to get back to ur friend and teacher but u did not want to leave soo........................................................................................................ im too hot 4 your cookie too cute 4 ur cookie hell screw it give me the damn cookie |
so u say to yourself `I'll just stay here a couple of minutes more, no harm on that... right?' you then snap out of ur thoughts when will says...
- For you I will, no matter what- |
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG this is hott!!lol someone continue :D
on the edge of seventeen... |
Tehehe. "Hey, I know u want to go somewhere right now," Will says. "Woah, how did u know that.. I mean, I want to be here with u but... how did u know that?" I ask, incredulously. "Well, u keep looking at the door and then almost standing up," Will says and we laugh again and I'm careful not to snort! (LOL) I was then feeling bold. "Here's my number, call me later Will," I say, hardly believing the words coming out of my mouth. Will just made me feel confident and bold. "Well, I will," Will said and stood up to walk me out. I kissed him on the cheek, knowing that he was a guy and he wanted more but I left him hanging so I knew that he really would call me later. Then I walked out the cafe door and headed to find my teach and friend........
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
and they were just coming in as i was going out!
"what are you doing here?" my friend asked! "oh just stopping to get a cup of tea with William Moseley!" i said as if it was no big deal! they asked, "who's that?" "the guy that plays Peter in Narnia!" i answered! "no way! you're kiding! there's no possible way!" my friend argued! i just shrugged my shoulders and kept walking! they would find out if i was telling the truth as soon as they walked in the cafe'! "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
"OMG!?!?!?! That IS William Moseley!" My friend, of whom Im going to name Katie (lol.. its like my no name friend...) "I told u. And watch this. Speed dial #3!" I said and called him making sure I was out of view of the cafe. "Hey yn, wats up?" Will said, sounding sexy. Katie looked at the phone and then at me and then she almost screeched but I covered her mouth. "Nothin Will, u?" I replied, trying to impress Katie. "Oh nothin. I miss u already," Will said. "MMMM I miss u 2," I said quietly. "Well, I g2g find my teach!" I said and hung up. "OMG!!" Katie said again. "Ya, we're going out tonight." I said laughing as Katie looked freakd out. "
![]() ![]() ![]() gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
so i had to ask!
"What're you so dressed up for?" hoping he was wanting to go out with me but then again i couldn't because i was going out with WILLIAM MOSELEY! i was torn! the hottest guy in the class or WILLIAM MOSELEY (like how i caps lock his name? :-D) that truly likes me....... i think! "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
LOL, Me like ur caps lock! I was just stuck. "Well, I was thinking maybe u'd want to go get some ice cream?" Jared asked, shyly. Aww cute, he's nervous, I thought. "Well, idk. I'm kind of going somewhere tonight," I said as I rubbed the back of my neck and looked down. "O, ok, um, then, I'll see u later I guess," Jared said as his hands slid into his pockets and he walked away. I ran by him and grabbed his hand. He turned around. "But ask me tomorrow," I said, not sure if I was doing the right thing. "Ya, ok," Jared said, smiling a bit. Jared could have anybody in the grade but he had picked to ask me out. I couldn't believe it. I kept getting ready and I have to say I looked amazing when Will knocked on the door. Katie answered it and I came up behind her. "Hey Will," I said, casually. "Hey babe," Will said sexily, and nodded at Katie. She nodded back and then I was out on my night on the town. First we went to...........
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
a CARNIVAL! (sry couldn't think of anything else! LoL)and whenever WILL would win something he would give it to me! ahhhhh how sweet!
![]() and then we rode on the ferris wheel and guess what? it got stuck and we were on top! but the stars were out and it was just a tab bit windy so what else are we gonna do besides snuggle so we did! "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
Cute! Snuggling in a ferris wheel! He put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned back on his arm. I looked up at his eyes and he looked at mine. I kind of blinked and he leaned in to me. "Is this too fast?" Will whispered. "No," I whispered back so he leaned in and I had my first kiss. It was a bit awkward but Will was a GOOD kisser. He was a great guy and I loved being there with him. We got more into the kiss when the ferris wheel started up again. I pulled back. Im sure I looked satisfied.....
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
because i was! i didn't want to get caught up with my emotions and do something i would regret, but it was perfect! he didn't push me to do anyhting that i wouldn't want to do and he was very gentle!
i made my mind right then and there that he was the one for me! "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" |
Then I thought about Jared and the date I had promised him for tomorrow. "Will, I need to tell u something..." I said and Will looked worried. "What?" He asked. "There's this guy in my class and he really wants to take me out tomorrow and I told him I would go," I replied. "O, well.." Will said. "But ur going to be my bf right?" I asked, grinning a bit. "Well, thats wat I was planning," Will said. "Good. I've never had one," I said and kissed him again. "This guy, he's not really anybody, he just wants to take me out. Is it ok?" I asked kind of hoping he'd say no, ur mine! but also hoping he'd say ya bcuz I had liked Jared my entire life! "Ya, its kwl. As long as nothing happens," Will said. "Ur awesome Will!" I replied and kissed him again. He walked me to the hotel. "Well, good night," Will whispered and took me into a more romantic kiss. "MMMMM, good night," I whispered back and wrapped my hands around his neck. I ran into my room and sat down on the bed. "OMG! I WANT ALL THE DETAILS!!" Katie screeched. "I dont kiss and tell," I replied trying to look serious. "OMG U KISSED!!!" Katie said, almost whispering, looking shocked. I turned around and smiled. "YES!!" I said loudly. We both screamed sliently. "TELL!" Katie said so I sat down cuz this was gonna be long!
gonee forever.<br> loads of lovee darlinggs <3. |
katie and i talked 4 hours and hours but we were quiet from time 2 time to keep the teacher from coming in while we were talking i just kept thinking about jared and if i really wanted 2 get icecream with him i didnot want to seem like a total jerk i knew how i felt about william but i didnt kno if i could hide my feelinbgs 4 jared soo i talked 2 jared and said........................................
im too hot 4 your cookie too cute 4 ur cookie hell screw it give me the damn cookie |
i knocked on his door and i told him that i couldnt actually go with him to get ice cream the next night because i was going out with someone else. I stepped closer to his door and him. "But if you ever break up with your star boyfriend will you remember me?" he asked. "Of course i will, Jared." I put my hand on his cheek for a moment and then slid it off, but when it came half way to my side, it caught in Jared's hand and he raised it to kiss it. As his soft and gentle lips touched right below my wrist, i felt a tingly sensation in the bottom of my stomach. I smiled and gracefully stepped down from his door.
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