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  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
well i love reading stories and my i love telling them so i'm goin to tell all of u one to add to everyone else's
Leila was at lunch w/ her friend katherine, she couldn't believe that there were only a few weeks of school left, and they were talkin to a bunch of ppl when one of the guys in the group that leila didn't know turned to her and said "hi i'm ryan" as he shook her hand, she said, "nice to meet u ryan, i'm leila" she couldn't help laughin, b/c all she wanted to say was how do u do? but she didn't b/c she felt stupid, she couldn't believe that that had stuck in her head, she did an edicit class w/ her church youth group the night b4. the rest of the lunch hour she couldn't help but laugh. then she kept seeing ryan more and more, they talked to each other like u would talk to someone right when u meet them in kindegarten. but then the end of the year came and ryan asked leila if she would sign his yearbook - she signed 'ryan, too bad we didn't meet till the end of the year. it was interesting meeting u' there was more but she couldn't rmb. then the summer went by rly fast. leila had almost totally forgotten about ryan. then school started again, and it was football season. a big thing to do on friday nights was to go to the varsity football games. leila went to an away game w/ some of her friends. it was such a cold night! she was freezing and she had on 2 t-shirts, a jacket, AND a fleece hoodie! but she was still cold and the concession stand ran out of hot chocolate, they had coffe, but leila can't stand the stuff. then she was standing in a group talkin when all of the sudden someone just came up behind and scared her. she squealed like a guinea pig. it was ryan and they hugged each other. they were standing there talking and after like 10 seconds ryan said "ru cold or just trying to entertain me?" leila was jumping up and down trying to keep warm, she answered "well my teeth are chattering so i must be cold." ryan was like "here take my jacket" leila said "no i shouldn't cause then u'll get cold" - all he had on under it was a t-shirt. he wouldn't let her say no though. so she finally took it. "as soon as u get cold i'm giving it right back" ryan responded, "i was taught to be a good gentleman, and besides i'm fine." leila was still kinda cold though when ryan said "ru still cold?" leila nodded. ryan said "come here" and he just held her in her arms, warming her up. it wouldn't let go of her b/c she was still shivering. then they had to go back to their seats and leila insisted that ryan take his jacket back b4 he gets sick, she had offered many times while they were talkin to ppl, but he wouldn't take it. he did though this time, b/c they weren't sittin together and leila was warmer. leila's school ended up winning the game! it was very exciting. the next monday @ school. ryan couldn't stop thinking about leila, who felt the same way. neither of them said anything about it to the other though.
what do u guys think? should i keep going?

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
A LOVE STORY!! i love those!! keep it goin!

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 548
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
k i will, but i'll probably have to wait till 2mro cause my computer is acting all wack right now

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 866
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
same here, but do keep up!

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ryan and leila always see each other in the hallways at school, they both make jokes to each other, and they can't help laughing at the other one's jokes, even the rly crappy ones. then one day on the announcements there was this thing about an overnight trip where u would get to know ppl and play all sorts of team building games (the trip was called LITE). it was only like $30 for the trip, so leila decided to go. her best friend kate was going too.

the day of LITE leila was rly excited. she couldn't wait. u see the group was supposed to leave right as soon as school got out. she didn't rly know who else was goin except for kate. everyone was supposed to meet in the commons, which is a part of their school. that was when kate and leila first knew who was going. the girls' friend dj was going, and his friend rich who said to leila "hi, i'm rich" . . . "yea sure u are" . . . "no rly, thats my name" lets just say leila had a rly bad blonde moment when she responded "ok then" kate was like "no leila - thats his name" we all started laughing so hard. leila said "omgsh i'm so sry! just a blonde moment i couldn't pass up i guess" then leila turned around and saw her old friend casey. they used to be best friends, but they just kinda grew apart. they didn't have any classes together and neither of them went to the extra effort to talk to the other. then leila turned around again and saw ryan. she walked over to him and said "i think its funny that ur goin to LITE" he said "o rly well u learn a new thing each day" . . ."i guess u do" then leila went back by kate. some of their other friends ended up goin to. everyone got on the bus, leila and kate were sittin together than, kate went to go talk to someone and casey and leila started talkin. casey told leila that she and ryan had gone out and he totally broke her heart but she wanted him back. when leila and casey were good friends, casey always went to her for relationship help. leila didn't always know what to tell her b/c casey just had bad judgement in guys for the most part or the guys she chose just didn't connect w/ her. leila rly didn't know what to tell her b/c of the fact that this time it was someone that she, leila, rly connected w/. she just kinda forgot about ever thinking of ryan in a romantic sort of way, b/c if ryan went out w/ casey it meant he went for the shallow, sort of ditsy type girl. even though she had her moments, leila was definately not the type of ditsy girl that casey was. then casey said "i keep tryin to talk to him, but he just put his headphones on" leila said "well maybe he just doesn't want to talk w/ everyone around" then ryan caught leila's eye. he gave her a look that she couldn't rly describe. it was like he saw casey sittin w/ her, and it was like he was trying to say help me or something, cause casey rly got annoyin at times, especially in her relationships. leila didn't want to b mean to casey she just rly knew how her relationships ended up. the rest of the bus ride seemed rly long even though it was only a total of like 45 minutes from the school. leila felt kinda awkward b/c in a way casey had re-enlisted her to fix her guy problems again. she just decided she would take each moment at a time.

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Thats really gud update soon if ur comp behaves itself

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
computer behaving so i'll update . . .
they finally got to the camp where they were staying. the first thing everyone had to do was sign up for rooms. in leila's room was, of course, leila, kate, robyn, susan, mackenzie, and melissa. they had already had tons of fun deciding what they were going to do when they didn't want to sleep at lights out, which was pretty much when u were in ur room for the night. everyone stayed in one building, all the rooms for the students were on one side of the hallway, each w/ four bunks, one end of the hallway was for the girls and the other end was for the guys. the teachers that came were on the opposite side of the hallway w/ four to a room, and normal size cabin-type beds. after getting sleeping arrangements settled, everyone was to meet back in the main room upstairs and get assigned to small groups. one of the teachers, mrs. girard was there and she knows leila's family very well. she told leila "i was supposed to be ur leader, but i thought u would be able to open up more w/ someone who doesn't know ur mom" leila said, "o that doesn't bother me." leila babysits for her often, and they talk a lot then, so she figured that she would just get to know some other teachers. each small group had five or so students w/ two teacher-leaders, depending on the teacher. in leila's small group, the leaders were miss pepper and mr. blackwood. the studends in her group along w/ her were susan, katie, rich, and ryan. leila was a bit interested to see how her group would go. moreso if she once again was the go-between casey and another guy.

luckily, leila was wrong, and it was like there was no casey b/c in ur group it was just ur group and what was said in the group stayed in the group, that was it. the first thing the group did together was talk about their significant item that they were supposed to bring. (the significant item was supposed to be something that meant a lot to u.) each person went through, saying what they brought. leila started, she had her baby blanket and a pair of earrings, she said "well this is the blanket that i got when i was a baby, it was always w/ me up until the time i started school, it was even each of my siblings before me, but when my lil sis was born i wouldn't give it up. and these are my favorite earrings that i got in mexico when i was on my first mission trip." next was susan who brought a pic of her family, she said "my family means a lot to me cause we're always together, so i brought a pic of them." next was ryan and he said, "i forgot to bring something, but here is a thing of skittles that is significant to me b/c they r sweet" leila said "ur so pathetic that doesn't count, how could u for get to bring something?" he said "well i was packing and i got distracted b/c my mom was trying to tell me not to forget my toothbrush b/c i get bad morning breath, so it was either rmb something or forget my toothbrush and have no one talk to me b/c of my bad breath" . . . "thats still pathetic" then blackwood said "ok well whos next?" it was miss pepper's turn, she had her engagement ring, "this is very special to me b/c it means that soon i will get to spend the rest of my life w/ the man i love" afer her was blackwood who brought a pic from the ultrasound thing of his soon-to-be-born child, he said "this is the pic from when we found out the sex of our baby, and we are going to have a girl, and this will be my first child so it is very important to me." then after blackwood came katie, she brought a pic of her holding her baby brother from when she was little, she said "this is a pic of me holding my brother b/c he was rly sick when he was born and he died when he was only a couple months old" she talked about how he died, but leila couldn't rly rmb b/c ryan kept making faces at her causing her to laugh. finally it was rich's turn. rich had brought a ceramic gnome. rich explained "this is chester, and hes significant b/c i used to b afraid of garden gnomes then one day my mom decided it would b funny to put one on my dresser. then i saw him there and i screamed, but i realized that only the gnomes w/ green hats were evil and the red ones were good. see chester has a red had, so hes good and thats why i love him." no one could help laughing at rich's fear of gnomes. blackwood then said, "well since we finished getting through everyone's items early-" "or lack there of" leila pointed out concerning ryan, blackwood continued "i guess we can just chat and get to know each other." everyone pretty much new each other and they were saving details for a game that they would play after dinner. the whole time though, ryan and leila fought like crazy, but as their group described it, it was like they were "an old married couple" when they fought. then it was time to go up for dinner, they were having pizza, so all of the groups went up to eat untill it was time for them to do their next group activity.

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
do u like it? should i continue?

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yes! go until the end!!!

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey rose, pm me if you wanna!!

I am never alone.... <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
k i'll keep on writing then! i'll post a little each day - please tell me what u think!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given


  • Messages : 880
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
&amp;hearts; it!!! keep updating, chickading!!

<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
as they were eating, they were told that they would do something to get to know their group members, and eat group had to make up a skit of some sort that went along w/ the theme "listen to your heart." so after dinner leila met back w/ her group in their room and blackwood passed around a bag of m&amp;ms, he said "ok each person take as many as u want" leila hd done this b4, for however many m&amp;ms u took, u had to say that many things about urself. even though leila knew this she still took a good number - she didn't care she loves anyform of chocolate, not so much dark chocolate though. so each person starting telling about themselves, and if u had a lot u could do one candy for a different person in ur family. leila said how she went to surf camp, used to have tons of pets like llamas, all of her bros and sisters. just all different things about herself. when it was rich's turn, he talked more about chester and his fear of gnomes. then it got to be ryan's turn, and he had about 10 or so and so he started saying things, and one of the things he said was "i have 10 brothers and sisters, 4 sisters and 6 brothers not counting me" leila said "man ur parents musta been busy!" all ryan could do was say "its not my fault my parents love each other!" as he started turning brick red, he covered his face, and everyone was laughin about how bluntly leila had said it. then blackwood said "ru catholic?" he said this b/c a lot of catholics he knows don't believe in birth control. ryan said "yea we're catholic" leila said "wow u guys must be some pretty devout catholics" ryan could not keep a straight face, he couldn't even look at leila and not laugh or smile, just b/c of the way she said it, was so funny. blackwood and miss pepper figured we had learned enough about each other to start workin on their skit that they would do for the rest of the groups. so leila, susan, katie, ryan, and rich started on their skit. they started talking about doing something w/ the gnome. ryan and leila kept making themselves the writers. the 5 of them were standing near each other in a group leaning over a piece of paper ryan was writing the ideas on. leila and ryan were sitting so close to each other, she could smell his hair and if u asked her, his hair smelt good! none of them could read ryan's hand writing so finally leila took the paper and pen away and wrote instead of him. ryan wanted to do this whole ordeal where the gnome neaded a new heart and his girlfriend was going to give him hers, but they were in separate hospitals so her heart had to be delivered to him, but then the heart was stolen, it went on forever! so leila said, "y don't we just have a group of friends who find a treasure map, then they all go off in their own directions, and 10 yrs later they r still lookin for the treasure, and they run into each other at the x that marks the spot and they say 'if we had only listened to our hearts we coulda found the real treasure 10 yrs ago, our friends!' b/c the treasure doesn't rly show up." katie, rich, and susan didn't care what they did, neither did chester. so it was rly who could convince the other one they were right, leila or ryan. they spent the whole time deciding so as they were going to present w/ the other groups, they ended up deciding on . . .

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
keep it up, dudette!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
this story totally rox!!! it is so awsome!!! keep up the good work!! you are so talented!!!!!!!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
they ended up going w/ leila's idea b/c it was simple and fast. when the group got back up to the main room thing where all large activites were done, they took seats w/ everyone else. luckily they weren't first. the other groups had rly funny skits, one consisted of leila's friend dj putting a hump on his back so he'd be a hunchback who carried a giant mallot w/ mullet written on it. he used the "mullet" to knock ppl out b4 they had heart surgery done. then finally it was leila's group's turn. they went up there and did their skit and they eneded it w/ a group hug sayin "if we had only realised the true treasure of listening to our hearts." after all the skits were done blackwood and mr. pfeiffer, another teacher, built a bonfire. everyone made smores and had hot chocolate. leila, melissa, robyn, susan, and kate were playing a game called big booty. to play one person is big booty and the rest each have a #. u would clap and then pat ur lap, on the pat u would say ur # (or big booty) then on the clap u would say someone else's #. it started by big booty saying "awww big booty, big booty, big booty, aww yea big booty. big booty #. . ." then it goes on till someone gets off beat and they are out then u keep doing round after round till one person is left. leila was usually big booty b/c she usually won, and she liked to start it. after they played a couple rounds they joined everyone else in makin more smores. then leila realized that she didn't have her flashlight, which isn't good b/c she can get quite clumsy. so leila went to go get her flashlight and she saw casey sitting on the stairs a bit depressed. so leila sat down and asked "whats wrong?" casey responded "i rly need to talk to ryan and i don't wanna have to go right in the middle of his friends and pull him away. will u tell him to meet me down here so we can talk?" leila said "sure so i'll just interupt for u" she said it a bit sarcastically, casey knew she would do it b/c leila has always been the outgoing one and she didn't care if she interupted someone if she had something to say. so leila went and got her flashlight then when she got back outside ryan was standing a little off to the side and she went over and said "casey told me to tell u to go downstairs and talk to her" ryan had a look on his face that was like a cross between ru kidding me and save me. but he went b/c casey wouldn't leave him alone untill they talked. leila just went on having a good time w/ everyone else. they had a contest to see who could fit the most marshmellows in their mouth, leila tied for first along w/ these guys tommy and milovan who were actually good friends of leila's sis. after about a 1/2 hour longer, they all had to go inside, but they could still socialize. so leila, tommy, milovan, susan, robyn, mackenzie, and melissa started playing cards. they had like a spoons tournament! it was amazing! then someone turned on some music, and there were a lot of ppl, like ryan, who tried to dance, but just ended up looking like fools. leila and kate started doing some moves from limelight, the show choir they were in together. it was funny b/c they were doin dance moves u would expect for a show tune to music u would see/hear on mtv. everyone was having so much fun, but then they all had to go to their own rooms.
but as soon as everyone was in leila's room, the girls started playing the hair game . . .

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
its a little short, but i'm rly tired cause its like 11:35 pm and i'm goin to bed - o well hope u like it! enjoy - let me know what u think

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Its gr8 i luv it!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
EVERYTHING YOU WRITE IS AWSOME!!!! i wish i could write that good!!! all i can do is draw!!!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D

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