
William Moseley Community : The Black Sparrow

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This is the story I'm writing. It's not very good but it's a start

The Black Sparrow

5 years ago a terrifying moment happened to the Hood family. A cold wind blew down the empty street of this gostly town. It sent a shiver down Robin-Anne Hood's back. She shivered. Remember the story you're parents would read to you before bed? About Robin Hood stealing from the rick and giving to the poor? Well that's all true but this is what happenes AFTER that.

Robin Hood, his wife Mary-Anne and there beautiful daughter Robin-Anne Hood has been on the run for 5 years. Robin-Anne was 15 at the time. She was abke to beat her father at swordsmanship, Arrow-shooting and could easily outsmart her mother. Now after 5 years they had been caught. 2 guards had her father pinned down, 2 guards had her and King Devin, his son Adam(also 15) and an exicuter had her mother all tied up on the witches wheel. Where they would burn witches til' there death. "Do you seriously think you Hoods are going to beat me again?" KIng Devin asked. He flicked his wrist as the exicuter raised his ax. "NO!!" screamed Robin at the top of her lungs. But it was too late. Her mother was gone. Robin let out a blood piercing scream as all the neighborsclosed there shutters. "Put you're mark on her Adam." said Devin. Adam pressed the cold blade of a sword to her left shoulder. At that exact moment she saw a very rare black sparrow fly overhead. what Adam had drawn on her tri-cep was his name in indian.

Thus, a legand was born. 5 years later the legand lives.

The Black Sparrow
Legand of All LEgands

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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ooooooh! soudns really REALLY cool!

<a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 784
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
its sounds VERY interesting so far. how did you come up with this idea?

<a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 299
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To tell you the truth it was a dream. I was Robin and Adam was Will!


Chapter 1.
It was Robin's 20th birthday and she wasn't that happy about it.She rolled over on her hay mattress and got all tangled up in her night gown. She let out a small groan and reached for her bed side table. She glanced at the one and only picture she had of her mother. She could remember perfectly every single detail of what happened to her. She shivered at the very thought and swung her legs out of bed. She lazily(sp?) got out of bed and walked down the hallway. SHadows crawled down the walls like a spider and she got kinda spooked. But why would she be she was the worlds most deadly assasin. Atleast now she was. Robin looked up at the corner of the hallway as the shadows seemed to bunch up in the shape of a horn. A loud booming trumpet sound filled the air and bounced of the walls. "Presenting Princa Adam!" said a voice that sounded like a cat which just got ran over by a car. Robin quickly grabbed her black cloak and pushed her brown, wavy hair to the side. Her expression hardened. She was The Black Sparrow now. "well what a suprise It is a great honor to finally be in your presance Black Sparrow." The figure stepped out form around the corner. Indeed as she suspected, It was Adam. The boy who gave her the wonderful marking on her tri-cep on this very moment 5 years ago. He was older now. Black whiskers sprouted form his chin and were carried down from his ear. Freckes were spread across his face like butter on bread. He wore a silk shirt which bunched up to give it a wavy look. Robin had to cleanch her teeth and bite her lip to contain her laughter. "and it is an honor to meet you to you're highness." "Call me Adam" He replied bairly after she had finished her sentance. A grin that wa plastered on his face only moments ago slowly faded away. "I am afraid my father King Devin has gone missing. Based on the things I hear about you, you sound as brave as a lion. Top swordswoman,archer and a skilled mind. I belive if you and I team up we can find my father." Adam said sounding very exited. "What persay are you so Adrenalated about?" Robin asked. "The fact Miss.Sparrow that you might help me. Will you?" "yes. I supose. When do we leave." Robin sighed. "tomorrow at sunrise."

amazing banner by Hannah at
  • Messages : 784
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I always get my ideas from dreams, or songs....but it sounded like an awesome dream!!!!!
and i like tht so far. sounds like a lil somethin-somethin is gonna happen there between them, eh? haha....j/, yeah.

<a href="" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 299
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Chine
Maybe. J/k too. I've got alot to do so I may not be able to update for a while.

amazing banner by Hannah at
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