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In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different! Trust yourself because you know more than you think you do! So make your own footsteps and don?t follow in others! |
If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change. ---- R.I.P MJ (L') |
La BiG FaN De HiGh SChOol MusiCAl et de VaneSSA HuDGenS |
Go High School Musical!!!!!!!! |
flav |
vive asley tisdale |
I love Lucas Grabeel !!! Bop bop bop bop to the top Slip and slide and ride that rhythm... |
zac est trop bi1 avec vanessa |
I love "Grease" and "High School Musical" and Disney ! ! ! |
grande fan de High School Musical ... |
"Tetelle" |
I can't choose, so confused ! What's it all mean? I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream ! |
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