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Aurore |
The day a door is closed, The echo's fill your soul. They won't say which way to go, Just trust your heart. To find what you're here for, Open another door. I'm not sure anymore. It's just so hard. |
Skins =) |
Edité par tsumi le 15/09/2007 à 16:15 I can't choose, so confused ! What's it all mean? I want my own dream. So bad I'm gonna Scream ! |
Edité par yoyottelapuce le 16/09/2007 à 13:54 |
Aurore |
" A never ending quest ... for the perfect jazz square " :p |
I want Fabulous..That is my simple request ! |
Edité par i_love_songs_HSM le 19/09/2007 à 20:17 Vanessa, Miley and Ashley ! <33 HSM3 le trailer en frannncaiis ! =)) |
You are cOmE bAcK To mE fOr lOvE Me; SaY oK aNd I wiLL cOMe tOwArds yOu; WhaT I'Ve beEn lOoKinG FoR; WHen TheRe WaS mE aNd YoU; StArT Of SoMeThiNg nEw WitH yOu. I LOVE YOU ZAC !!!!!! JE T AIME |
super fan des jonas brothers,miley cyrus et ashley tisdale !!!! |