Connexion | Inscription | Aide
There is a connection between heaven and earth. Finding this connection makes everything meaningful including death. missing it makes everything meaningless including life... |
If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change. ---- R.I.P MJ (L') |
Yo, let's get some juice down here ! Sup' ! Everybody's taking stupid pills around here ? Juice me ! |
derr?ere de? ?o?r?re? ?e c?c?e?? ?o?jo?r? de? l?r?e?, derr?ere ?? coe?r de p?erre, ?e c?c?e ?? coe?r ?r??er, e? 1000 ?orce??? o? ?? coe?r ?o?? ?e?? ?o?? c???d le ??e??, ? j???e ?? p???e?e?? ??r le co?e dro?? .... Texte By Diine ( me ^^ ) |
Yo, let's get some juice down here ! Sup' ! Everybody's taking stupid pills around here ? Juice me ! |
Yo, let's get some juice down here ! Sup' ! Everybody's taking stupid pills around here ? Juice me ! |