Dans la 1ère version , on devait voir la mise en place de l'alliance avec notemment des personnages tel que Mon Motha. Ceci semble avoir été quelque peu abandonné. On a donc aucune scène avec Mon Motha dans le film, et Bana Bremu ( bai ling, G lucas n'ayant pas accepté qu'elle pose nue dans un magazine).c'est également dans cette scène que l'on voit padmé dans la tenu qui est sur l'affiche avec ca coiffure dread(enfin c'est comme ca qye je l'apelle moi) star wars voir photo en bas
V.O extraits du Script:
BAIL ORGANA: Now that he has control of the Jedi Council, the Chancellor has appointed Governors to oversee all star systems in the Republic.
FANG ZAR: When did this happen?
BAIL ORGANA: The decree was posted this morning.
PADME: Do you think he will dismantle the Senate?
MON MOTHMA: Why bother? As a practical matter, the Senate no longer exists.
GIDDEAN DANU: The constitution is in shreds. Amendment after amendment . . . executive di
rectives, sometimes a dozen in one day.
BAIL ORGANA: We can't let a thousand years of democracy disappear without a fight.
EVERYONE looks at each other, a little worried at the implications of what was just said.
TERR TANEEL: What are you suggesting?
BAIL ORGANA: I apologize. I didn't mean to sound like a Separatist.
MON MOTHMA: We are not Separatists trying to leave the Republic. We are loyalists, trying to preserve democracy in the Republic.
BAIL ORGANA: It has become increasingly clear to many of us that the Chancellor has become an enemy of democracy.
PADME: I can't believe it has come to this! Chancellor Palpatine is one of my oldest advisors. He served as my Ambassador when I was Queen.
GlDDEAN DANU: Senator, I fear you underestimate the amount of corruption that has taken hold in the Senate.
MON MOTHMA: The Chancellor has played the Senators well. They know where the power lies, and they will do whatever it takes to share in it. Palpatine has become a dictator and we have helped him to do it.
BAIL ORGANA: We can't sit around debating any longer, we have decided to do what we can to stop it. Senator Mon Mothma and I are putting together an organization . . .
PADME: Say no more. Senator Organa. I understand. At this point, it's better to leave some things unsaid.
BAIL ORGANA: Yes. I agree and we must not discuss this with anyone, without everyone in this group agreeing.
MON MOTHMA: That means those closest to you . . . even family ... no one can be told.
They ALL nod their heads. PADME considers this for a moment.
PADME: Agreed.
PADME, MON MOTHMA, and five other Senators (BANA BREEMU, FANG ZAR. CHI EEKWAY, GIDDEAN DANU, BAIL ORGANA) sit in Padme's living room. C-3PO serves drinks to the guests.
PADME: We cannot let this turn into another war.
BAIL ORGANA: Absolutely, that is the last thing we want.
MON MOTHMA: We are hoping to form an alliance in the Senate to stop the Chancellor from further subverting the constitution, that's all.
PADME: I know a Jedi I feel it would be wise to consult.
BANA BREEMU: That would be dangerous.
MON MOTHMA: We don't know where the Jedi stand in all this.
PADME: I only wish to discuss this with one . . . one I trust.
GiDDEAN DANU: Going against the Chancellor without the support of the Jedi is risky.
PADME: The Jedi aren't any happier with the situation than we are . . .
CHI EEKWAY: Patience, Senator.
FANG ZAR: We have so many Senators on our side, surely that will pursuade the Chancellor.
BANA BREEMU: When you present the "petition of the two thousand" to the Chancellor, things may change.
BAIL ORGANA: Let us see what we can accomplish in the Senate, before we include the Jedi.
PADME takes a deep breath in frustration and disappointment.