Vous recherchez "f r a n c e'"

Il y a 137 topics susceptibles de vous intéresser.

Will said that he actually checks SOME of his fansites!

Will said that he actually checks SOME of his fansites!

HEY!!! I bring great news!! Will ACTUALLY visits SOME of his fansites and he said that he really appreciate it!!!
That is VERY exciting!!! I hope he reads my forum that says I wish I could meet... Lire le topic

Zac Efron......

Zac Efron......

How do ppl like him? His hair is flippy and he looks funky! Compared to Will that is... Otherwise, he's ok I guess. I like the movie High Skwl Musical, but not as much as Narnia. I love their songs and have the soundtrack! I memorized... Lire le topic

here is the picture I told you about

here is the picture I told you about

[img]C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Skandar!!!.jpg/[img] It was already on here (I take no credit finding it!) And someone said they wanted to see it. Here it is, and here's the icon I made out of it: nevermind it won't work! wait, one... Lire le topic

william songs

william songs

hey you guys here's another song i have that's about will,but the first part is about like a guy that treated you bad or whatever lol: "Heaven With Fire" sometimes when i am sleeping, i know that i am dreaming. you dont even know my... Lire le topic

Does William have a girlfriend??...

Does William have a girlfriend??...

EeHjj.. I realy wane know this... 'cause i think he's realy cut:D ;-(  Lire le topic

Help, j ai pas le courage de tout traduire!

Help, j ai pas le courage de tout traduire!

Voila ca veut dire quoi tout ca? D apres le titre un mag fait passer Rob' pour arrongant? Je peux comprendre un peu ce qu ils disent mais j ai pas le courage de tout traduire...si quelqu un peut nous resumer^^ Fresh From Charm School ... Lire le topic



i know this is not about will, but i thought everybody would like it! I DID! x-D x-D x-D Things To Do In An Elevator 1) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap him on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you. ... Lire le topic

lily sequel

lily sequel

we're starting a sequel cause the old was is way too long... !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` i lay in bed still half asleep waiting for the right moment to get up. i look over at will to find him totally zonked out. i... Lire le topic



This is Williams answer to sumones question in there letter! The Best Place to Kiss William's Answer to my Question: It would be me & her in a room, complete darkness except for a candle that is placed between the two of us. Face... Lire le topic



I learned some French and have gotten some Narnia phrases down. Only two so far but if u guys can think of some good phrases from the movie, I will translate them to French cause I think it's romantic.. %-D Here's what I have: For... Lire le topic

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