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Il y a 38 topics susceptibles de vous intéresser.
Je vous propose une video comique parodiant le film High School Musical. si vous comprenez quelques mots en anglais vous comprendrez toute l'ambiguité des paroles. sur une musique plagiant le style de Stick To The Statuss Quo, des habits... Lire le topic
Verda Serdiuchka, c'est celui qui représentais l'Ukraine à L'Eurovision 2007, il a finis 2 eme. Voici sa chanson :
i`m watching the interview of Will and Ruby Buttwax!! =P here`s the video.that mean lady!!!
Chapter one~ Rowan ran through the dark forest, dodging arrows darting past her. She ran, her sword at her side, and cloak flowing wildly. How had she gotten in this mess? She ducked, just in time for an arrow barely missing her head, and... Lire le topic
last night, i was with william, ben and daisy in the living room, eating steamed pudding and drinking some tea, when suddenly, will just started staring at me, like a flash of lightning, william grabbed my hand, pulled me ging to his... Lire le topic
This is the first Narnia cast member interview Rogue from did so enjoy!! --------------------------------------- Our very own moderator ~Rogue~ arranged an interview with Skandar Keynes, the actor that played the role of... Lire le topic
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