Erreur SQL !
FROM posts WHERE (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%-3836")%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%-3836")%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%AS%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%AS%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%YVBT%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%YVBT%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%WHERE%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%WHERE%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%9064=9064%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%9064=9064%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%OR%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%OR%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%ELT(1497=1497,9538)--%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%ELT(1497=1497,9538)--%") AND affiche_post="1" AND (REPLACE (titre_post,"é","e") LIKE "%Gfrf%" OR REPLACE (texte_post,"é","e") LIKE "%Gfrf%") AND affiche_post="1" AND sujet_post="1" ORDER BY id_post DESC