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je voudrais savoir qui connaît la série la Quatrième Dimension ? Moi j'adore cette série. Evidement je parle de la version des années 60 en noir et blanc qui est géniale : histoire de la série avec wikipédia : « Nous sommes... Lire le topic
> Films : - Film d'aventure : X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Meilleur drame : Twilight - Meilleur film romantique : Twilight - Meilleur film d'amitié : Marley & moi - Meilleure comédie : Une nuit au musée 2 - Meilleur film d'horreur :... Lire le topic
Avez vous vu cette comédie romantique , tout a fait hylarante ? Si ce n'est pas le cas dépêchez vous d'allez dans la salles de cinéma la plus proches car sinon vous risquerer de le regrettez ! Synopsis : Jane a toujours été plus... Lire le topic
Connaisez vous la nouvelle mode de danse aprés la teckonic qui vient de France voici une nouvelle dance le crunk that inventer en Amérique il fait déja fureur dans les cours des lycée et collége je vous laisse une vidéo : Vidéo de... Lire le topic
"Come on, we are going somewhere." she had said. "Where?" I asked, getting up from my bed. I still had my pajamas on, and was almost asleep. My princess room, which was a bright shade of pink was light up suddenly when she turned on the... Lire le topic
Did thou ever think of me? Thou, my sir, had left me to sail the globe and for thy safe return, I did not dare to hope. My soul was troubled; warm tears had filled each eye, thinking of thy last gentle kiss and thy solemn goodbye. In a... Lire le topic
hello ppl....this might get a lil confusing, but if u note the dates at the top of each might help!....hope u likey 03 March, 1709 Chapter One The lost princess Princess... Lire le topic
As I walked along the beach, the waves spured up along the rocks. I, Medore had been left govorner of the little island I was on. I am just 17, and am the best pirate girl yet. My crew had left me nothing but a pistol with one shot, and... Lire le topic
DEAD TRUE STORY I AM NOT LYING---i posdt this msg every year on firday the 13th bc tht is the day my frend died frum a very horrible death , she was walking home from school when a man asked if he could help carry her books she sayd ok as... Lire le topic
i found these at some if them i dont think are right, but u decide! Goofs for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Continuity: When Edmund is rescued he has a big cut on his lip. When the queen... Lire le topic
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