Vous recherchez "when there was me and you"

Il y a 39 topics susceptibles de vous intéresser.

Legalizing marijuana would send the wrong message to kids

Legalizing marijuana would send the wrong message to kids

As someone who shapes public policy and works to keep children healthy, safe and drug-free, I often asked to explain my opposition to legalizing marijuana. It best explained with a twist on the iconic of Dreams phrase: you build it, they... Lire le topic

Les différences entre les chansons du film et du CD

Les différences entre les chansons du film et du CD

En regardant les deux films, j'ai remarqué que certaines chansons étaient différentes dans le film par rapport à celles qui sont dans le disque... High School Musical - Pendant Start of Something New on entend beaucoup plus Troy et... Lire le topic

Emily Bizmont:A Dark Alley

Emily Bizmont:A Dark Alley

here`s a new story.i`m just trying to grow my creativity,so i`ll be making alot of stories. ----------------------------------------------- Chapter One: Abandoned This was it,I finally graduated high school!If only mom and dad were here... Lire le topic

Just a Dream

Just a Dream

"Come on, we are going somewhere." she had said. "Where?" I asked, getting up from my bed. I still had my pajamas on, and was almost asleep. My princess room, which was a bright shade of pink was light up suddenly when she turned on the... Lire le topic

friday the 13th

friday the 13th

friday the 13th is cursed Me and my friend Phillip were running around the block and we saw this guy asking for money around the street. So he came over to us and asked "do you guys have any cash on you?" Phillip said no. The dude... Lire le topic

a sweet story!!!!

a sweet story!!!!

Molly sat in her hospital bed, looking around the room, trying to remember what happened last. But she knew, she had passed out for some reason. And it wasnt the first time. She was always in the hospital. She heard voices outside,... Lire le topic

A Pirate Girl of the Caribbean Sea

A Pirate Girl of the Caribbean Sea

ok,just to let you know,this isn`t like any other story.i like to change things alot and make very dramatic parts a bit.also,i don`t update alot and it won`t have alot of writing in each chapter.the name is actually "A Pirate Girl Of The... Lire le topic

new new NEW story!!!!

new new NEW story!!!!

hey i know we have SO many stories already,but i wanna start new one.so,there are a few rules.this will be a serious story.you can add some humor sometimmes in it,but you must follow where the story is going ok?no stupid stuff that we... Lire le topic

the room and the closet.....by skeetles

the room and the closet.....by skeetles

hello ppl....this might get a lil confusing, but if u note the dates at the top of each chapter.....it might help!....hope u likey 03 March, 1709 Chapter One The lost princess Princess... Lire le topic

Medore, Pirate Girl of the Spanish Sea

Medore, Pirate Girl of the Spanish Sea

As I walked along the beach, the waves spured up along the rocks. I, Medore had been left govorner of the little island I was on. I am just 17, and am the best pirate girl yet. My crew had left me nothing but a pistol with one shot, and... Lire le topic

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